Movie News Chat

Russo Brothers on the Spider-Man costume: “It is what it is”

I think it’s safe to say that I am a fairly big fan of that Spider-Man guy. When Spidey finally made his debut at the end of the most recent Captain America trailer I freaked out and immediately watched, re-watched, shared with co-workers, and watched again. When I finally got around to posting the trailer I realized I spent so much time in a state of utter bliss that Mo beat me to the punch and I didn’t have my chance to attempt to create a cohesive explaining my joy. Now the Russo brothers are riding high on the wave of mostly positive feedback to the trailer with the exception of one teensy thing… whatsupwitdat costume?

For non-comic fans it probably just seems weird looking not to mention his eyes moved. For comic fans we’re arguing if it’s Steve Ditko or John Romita inspired and whether or not we accept this inferior costume to the awesomeness that was created for that last Amazing Spider-Man film.

Well the Russo’s decided to chime in pretty much provided a proverbial shoulder shrug at the whole conversation:


JOE RUSSO: The design of the costume is what it is. That’s the design that we love, it’s the design that Kevin Feige loves and so on. He’s a very popular character so it’s always going to be controversial, people are always going to love or hate what you do with him, but all we can do is make sure that we love it, that we are true to ourselves and true to how we feel about the character and then hope that everybody else digs it.

ANTHONY RUSSO: Part of issue is that we gave such a small impression of the character in that trailer, it’s something of a Rorschach test where people can pour as much of their Spidey anxieties out but when they see the movie they are going to get a very big picture of a very complete character that they have never seen before. It’s kind of hard to react to people’s reactions but they will change radically when they see the movie.

JOE RUSSO: And there is still effects work that needs to be done on it.

So… since this is just the Mark 1 of Spider-Man costumes one has to wonder… what’s next?

[Bleeding Cool]



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