
San Diego Comic Con sneaks in a new Suicide Squad trailer

San Diego Comic Con still has a lot of news trickling onto the internetz that is outright awesome. I am apprehensively optimistic about this upcoming Suicide Squad movie and we have a new trailer that was unveiled at the show to further excitement:

Thank Squad. The wait is almost over. #SuicideSquad #SDCC

Pre-order the soundtrack:

Posted by Suicide Squad on Saturday, July 23, 2016

This trailer kinda seems more like a music video than something trying to get me to see a movie. I’m a bit indifferent about the Rick Ross song at the end. I don’t always feel that hip hop is used effectively when it comes to super hero soundtracks but I guess it’s better than Will Smith dusting off the mic and handling it himself.

Still excited for this one. Fingers crossed that it’s a surprise hit a-la-Deadpool.

[Warner Bros]



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