Movie News Chat

Kyle Chandler as Cable in Deadpool 2?

You read that headline right. The guy from Friday Night Lights who’s currently killing it in “Bloodline” (ha!) is being considered of portraying Cyclops’ confounding son. Cables’ backstory takes waaay too much effort to explain and will probably be ignored by the mass audiences anyway but there has been a lot of interest in portraying this role as Hollywood is beginning to take notice that their work sustainability in these films.

Kyle Chandler is the latest name rumored, and this list will likely grow as Deadpool fast tracks a sequel into theaters.

Now, let’s talk about Cable:

Why does anyone care? He is quite possibly the epitome of everything wrong with characters created in the 90’s. First, he became popular under the stewardship of Rob Liefeld. Yes, the guy who co-created Deadpool. Second, he is a guy with guns. Lots of unrealistically over-sized guns that have more buttons than functions. Last, the guy is BORING. Even comic creators have no idea what to do with him anymore. He had one shtick: Kill Apocalypse which has been done several times in the comics to the point that it’s now a lesson in futility. Apocalypse will die but somehow Cable still exists.

Obviously there’s an endless cycle. Wait… that sounds perfect for a series of films. Hmmm…



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