Dragon Con 2016

Dragon Con 2016: Everything You Missed and Shouldn’t Miss Again

If you so happened to miss Atlanta’s largest geek convention, you definitely shouldn’t next year. Dragon Con 2016 was the biggest Dragon Con yet, and drew in a record number of over 75,000 convention goers.

While Dragon Con is still less well known than other national conventions like San Diego or New York Comic Con, it is quickly making the ranks as one of the top geek conventions in the United States.

Dragon Con is known for it’s coverage of overall pop culture in general, as it covers everything from your favorite literature characters to which person you’d like to cosplay from a movie.

The event features many well known pop culture people, as the convention features everything from actors, models, scientists, authors, and more !

Below you will find everything you missed, and everything you shouldn’t miss for next years Dragon Con!

So where do we start?

Oh yeah of course :


Obviously at any geek convention around the world, this is the number one thing that people know about when it comes to any comic, geek or pop culture related meet up for fans all around the globe. While San Diego Comic Con may be known for featuring all of the best cosplayers around the nation, Dragon Con has the same intense cosplay, as I got to take pictures of some of the world’s most famous cosplayers.

Wolverine Cosplay

 Lonstermash ( known for the best Wolverine cosplay in the world )

From TV shows to video game characters, you will find just about everything at Dragon Con, as well as the stuff you didn’t think would be there.

Dragon Con 2016

There was a pretty weird Trump theme that didn’t seem to fade at any point

P.S. If you know any of these cosplayers, please give me their social media so I can credit their great work !


Massive Parties :

While other conventions are known for being bigger in their presentations in some large arena,  Dragon Con brings something new to the world of geek conventions, as you witness some of the craziest costume themed parties around ( imagine a Halloween with like 80,000 people but even better ).

Dragon Con 2016

That’s Ash Ketchum before he jumped in the middle and started break dancing

Dragon Con is held right in the heart of Atlanta ( aka Peachtree Street ) so their are multiple hotels all within walking distance of each other that feature some of the wildest, and unique types of partying you can imagine.

You know if these guys are there it’s about to get crazy!

Dragon Con

Stu did have a missing tooth as well, that does not appear in the picture .


Fandom :

Did I mention unique events? The scheduling is so intense at Dragon Con that you literally have any and everything possible that you can do or go see throughout the days. I barely got to attend all of the events I wanted to, because there were just so many options to choose from.

Dragon Con 2016

DC Universe panel, discussing the DCEU and DC comic television multiverse , with all of the biggest fans ! See full audio below.

From walking around and seeing the amazing cosplay, to just enjoying the geek rush that is embedded into your environment, you honestly could just have fun by walking around and seeing everything!

(Anya Stark via VirtualMags on Instagram, and Jason Todd via me. ) These are the types of things you see casually walking around

(Anya Stark via VirtualMags on Instagram, and Jason Todd via me. )
                                          These are the types of things you see casually walking around

Dragon Con is known for it’s intimate fan environment as you will get to discuss your favorite topics ( TV shows, movies, and more ) with other die hard fans who follow your favorite stuff, even closer than you!

One of the panel had stated she had watched Batman V. Superman over 15 times in theaters ( now if thats not die-hard, I don't know what is ).

Check out the DC Universe audio below as the panel discusses the delicate balance between the DCEU and DC TV-verse:


Panels / Walk of Fame:

Like every other geek convention, Dragon Con makes sure to give you exclusive time with your favorite artists, actors, writers or whatever you like. My personal favorite was Charlie Cox who stars as Daredevil in the Daredevil Netflix series.

Dragon Con Charlie Cox

While I did miss his walk of fame ( where you get to meet your favorite stars up close ), I did get a chance to watch him answer live Q & A’s from the audience, as we heard more personal commentary about his acting career and on set experience with Daredevil !

( great show by the way , watch it! )

So while you may not have been pressed to go to Dragon Con, I will tell you first hand that I am not being paid to say this, I had some of the most fun, memorable times of my life there, and will absolutely be back for Dragon Con 2017 !

Keep spreading the Geek culture !

Visit Matt at CrazyForFilm.com for even more movie news and fun !
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