Movie News Chat

Official Title of Wolverine 3 is…

Hugh Jackman has taken to social media, the new standard, to announce the official title of the upcoming X-film. Check it out:

Sounds appropriate. Seems like they’re hoping audiences associate “Logan” with X-Men which should work but who knows. All in all I think it’s a boring title but it’s fairly easy to remember. I have no major qualms but I’m not very impressed either. Here are a few suggestions that I think would work better:

Wolverine 3: The Final Cut

Wolverine 3: Old Man Logan

Wolverine 3: A Million Ways to Die

Wolverine 3: Is it time for a reboot?

Wolverine 3: Fuck Deadpool

Wolverine 3: Can I join the Avengers yet?

Wolverine 3: Let’s pretend the last 2 movies were great

Share your thoughts on a better title in the comments and maybe the best one wins a prize from my upcoming New York Comic Con schwag!

That’s all for now…




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