Movie News Chat

Quentin Tarantino is retiring!?

That’s the word going around th eweb today. Apparently QT has had enough of all of our shenanigans and has decided that he’s only got 2 more movies up his sleeve before calling it quits.

The director – who’s been talking about retiring for quite some time – told the crowd at Adobe Max, a creativity conference hosted in San Diego, that he will stop making films after his tenth feature, meaning his next two will be his last.

Drop the mic. Boom. Tell everybody, ‘Match that shit,’” he stated, per The Hollywood Reporter.

This is shocking news considering that I only expect a film from him once every 2-5 years or so and now I have to figure out what to do with the fleeting moments we have left of his antics and commentary. What will we do when we don’t have someone of his caliber to inundate with needless petitions? What do we do when we need some heavy intelligent dialogue sprinkled with Samuel L. Jackson cursing motherfuckers out and looking dope while doing it? Who will we look to in our time of need? Kevin Smith?! Unacceptable.

Somebody draft up the petition to talk him out of this bullshit ASAP!




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