
The Big Apple Con invades New York

The Big Apple Comic Con may not be as massive as massive as it’s cousin in the Javits but the Penn Plaza pavilion provides a show that both compliments and surprises simultaneously </StanLeeIntro>

This particular show is down right diminutive in comparison but the intimacy hearkens back to shows of old for the Big Apple with shorter lines and less hysteria surrounding the talent. Did I mention the talent? This year boasted the biggest guest list in memory with advertisements of Stan Lee and Frank Miller headlining this years show. Stan Lee did not attend with the following statement released by organizers:

Big Apple Comic Con has just been informed that due to health issues Stan Lee will not be appearing at the convention Saturday March 11th or Sunday March 12th.

Big Apple Con Jim Lee

Chilling news indeed and we wish Stan a speedy recovery! Surprisingly, a stand in guest was announced as none other than DC Co-publisher Jim Lee! All in all a great show and one that this writer is noticing is showing an improving guest list each year.  Frank Miller, Jason “Green Ranger” Frank, Jim Steranko, Jon Bernthal, Elden Henson, Spencer Wilding and more! I enjoy the show and it’s more of a fun even for families looking to enjoy a good con with a good guest list without all the long bathroom lines and hoopla surrounding that other con in New York.
The convention crew put up a nice message wishing Stan Lee the best:

Big Apple Comic Con has just been informed that due to health issues Stan Lee will not be appearing at the convention Saturday March 11th or Sunday March 12th.

Stan keeps to an amazing schedule and it seems to have taken its toll. We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience but the show must go on. We are going to have a tremendous weekend loaded with great guests, exhibitors and events. For those wanting to purchase items autographed by Stan, the Stan Lee Collectibles booth will be in hand with a variety of signed items.

Let’s all wish Stan well and party like you know he wants us to!

Here’s looking forward to next year!

[Big Apple Con | Big Apple Con Facebook]


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