FAST 8: Will The Fate Of The Furious Be THIS Predictable? (WATCH)

FAST 8: Will The Fate Of The Furious Be THIS Predictable? (WATCH)

Fast & Furious 8 is amongst us, and not only can we not believe that this franchise is really alive and well into it’s 8th movie, but that this ridiculous 8th installment is actually something we really want to see.

FAST 8, The Fate of The Furious looks incredible as far as my entertainment values go, so the question is, will this movie be as predictable and plot basic as it’s past action predecessors?

I discuss that question directly below, as I prepare you for what will be one of the highest grossing, most action heavy, fun films of 2017.

Watch The FAST 8 Discussion Below:

Will The Fate Of The Furious Be THIS Predictable?

If you loved that video as much as I did, make sure to subscribe here and stay tuned for a whole lot more, as we discuss the hottest of the hot in new movie news, fun and fanaticism.

Also, to get you more than ready for The Fate Of The Furious, that debuts officially on April 14th, make sure to give the final trailer another watch as you are going to need some prepping for this over stimulated joy ride.

Watch The Final FAST 8 Trailer:

So what do you think? Will the furious crew REALLY be betrayed by their number one family man, or is this just another temporary ploy to bring audiences in for yet another action packed joy ride that we can’t help but to see?

See The Fate Of The Furious this Friday, and check out Crazy For Film,

for more movie joy!
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