Star Wars The Last Jedi came in with some really high expectations. Star Wars The Force Awakens evoked a lot of questions and the Last Jedi trailer stirred up even more questions. As a matter of fact, we came up with the top 5 burning questions for Star Wars The Last Jedi for your viewing pleasure. After viewing The Last Jedi, I think it’s fair to say that the film exceeded and circumvented my expectations all at the same time. Now just so you know, Star Wars The Last Jedi has a ton of surprises and twists. With that in mind, as I have always tried to provide spoiler-free reviews, I’ll try to be even more spoiler-free as possible. I understand some people still want to get a taste of what’s to come. Worry not because in just a few days, you can tune back in to this post to watch/listen to my spoiler discussion of the film.
(Video) Star Wars The Last Jedi Spoiler-Free review
(Video) Star Wars The Last Jedi Spoiler Talk
The Good
When the opening credits roll, it almost feels like you’re being transported back into time with the classic Star Wars music blasting, and the intro opening text. That sets the tone for the nice amount of nostalgia the film creates. Fortunately, the movie doesn’t entirely rely on the nostalgia factor as much as The Force Awakens. While there are obvious callbacks to previous characters and such, the Last Jedi does not become a modern day version of The Empire Strikes Back. Not only that, but there are so many climatic moments that will leave on you on the edge of your seat. There’s a nice balance of suspense, action, drama, and humor.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi [Credit: Lucasfilm/Disney Motion Pictures]
The overall cinematography of this movie must be praised as well. The amazing visuals were simply captivating in this film. Maybe I’m being a prisoner of the moment, but I can’t recall a more visually stimulating spaceship battle. The usage of the environment and terrain was stunning in some scenes. And without question, there’s one particular scene with a spaceship that can only be described as epic! That scene is so jaw dropping, that the sound is masterfully muted to match the level of suspense that the audience is feeling at that time. you’ll know it when you see it, but I can honestly say I’ve never seen a spaceship do what was done in that iconic sequence. Beyond even that, The Last Jedi will challenge what we thought we knew about the Force. I thoroughly enjoyed the radical new ways that the Force could be used in the film.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi [Credit: Lucasfilm/Disney Motion Pictures]

Star Wars: The Last Jedi [Credit: Lucasfilm/Disney Motion Pictures]

Star Wars: The Last Jedi [Credit: Lucasfilm/Disney Motion Pictures]
The Bad
Disclaimer: Before any die hard Star Wars fans want to come for my head, let me just say that these “Bad” critiques are incredibly mild. They do not kill the film or anything, but they still have to be noted.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi [Credit: Lucasfilm/Disney Motion Pictures]

Star Wars: The Last Jedi [Credit: Lucasfilm/Disney Motion Pictures]

Star Wars: The Last Jedi [Credit: Lucasfilm/Disney Motion Pictures]
I think one of the bigger issues that happens in this film is what appears to be the stagnant character development with the two leading characters of Rey and Kylo Ren. Compared to the other side characters who have some major challenges and internal battles to overcome, it didn’t appear as though Rey nor Kylo Ren actually progressed very much as characters. Let me be clear about this. I’m not saying that nothing happens to them, or that they don’t make certain decisions along their personal journeys. What I’m saying is that each character seems relatively the same as they were compared to The Force Awakens. You can’t say that for a character like Poe or even Luke, for example.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi [Credit: Lucasfilm/Disney Motion Pictures]
The Verdict
Star Wars The Last Jedi is probably the best Star Wars film that we have to date! Hold on, pick up your jaw, and put your eyeballs back in their sockets. I should say, that Star Wars the Last Jedi is the best Star Wars film we have to date by default. This film is a natural progression of the Star Wars films because it incorporates all the good things we loved about the previous Star Wars films. Even better, this film drizzled a lot of originality by dismantling the Star Wars cinematic formula. Going against the grain of what Star Wars fans may expect makes this film such a surprising and refreshing viewing experience. If you couldn’t tell by now, I absolutely believe that this was better than The Force Awakens.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi [Credit: Lucasfilm/Disney Motion Pictures]
Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be in theaters December 15th. Be sure to follow E-Man’s Movie Reviews on Facebook, Subscribe on YouTube, or follow me on Twitter/IG @EmansReviews for even more movie news and reviews!
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Acting - 8/10
Cinematography - 10/10
Plot/Screenplay - 8/10
Setting/Theme - 9/10
Buyability - 9/10
Recyclability - 10/10