Best movies of 2017

Best Movies of 2017

As 2017 comes to an end, it’s always fun to look back and see where the great films sprinkled in throughout the year. I can’t say that 2017 was superior to 2016 in terms of the quality of films produced, but 2017 still had some noteworthy movies. The following top 10 list will be comprised primarily mainstream movies. Feel free to either watch our video of the Best Movies of 2017 or continue reading below.

Watch Best Movies of 2017


10) Detroit

Given the unfortunate string of stories about police brutality in just the past couple of years, Detroit not only shed some light on a little known true story, but it also drew a scary comparison as to how some things even from almost 50 years ago are still the same.

9) Thor: Ragnarok

Since the previous Thor films were a bit lackluster, this third installment for the Thor franchise was a great comeback. It was both funny and entertaining. I don’t know about you, but it I had no idea Chris Hemsworth could be THAT funny.

8) John Wick 2

Man oh man. I was a fan of the first john wick, but this one managed to kick it up a notch. The non stop action is exactly what action junkies like myself enjoy, and this was hands down the best action film of the year.

7) It

Unfortunately 2017 didn’t have the best line up of horror films, so It kind of makes it by default. It was definitely a solid film and enjoyable for fans of the book, the original film, and newcomers to the franchise. So much so that people are already excited to see who be cast in the movie’s next chapter.

6) Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman scored a bunch of points in 2017. In the film industry we got the first female director to direct a female lead in a superhero film. I think that give it’s positive rating from both fans and critics alike, Wonder Woman is breaking the outdated notion that female comic book heroines can’t be box office success.

5) Baby Driver

This may be a little higher up than some expected, but I will always do my best to give credit to originality. This movie was so unexpectedly good. The driving was amazing, the music was solid, and the story overall entertaining. Baby Driver is just one of those movies you have to see if you didn’t get to in 2017.

4) Star Wars: The Last Jedi

I know there’s been a lot of controversy about this film. Some people hate what they did with it in regards to the franchise. Well, I’m one of those people who absolutely loved it. As a fan of the Star wars movies, this movie got me completely excited over the new possibilities to come with the franchise. Not to mention they gave us a ton of epic and unforgettable moments that people are still talking about!

3) War For the Planet Of the Apes

This was so close to being a perfect film. I mean War For The Planet of the  Apes was just a spectacular movie. It made me care about apes. Even had me feeling…. Never mind. From the acting to the musical score, this movie is practically award worthy in a number of categories.

2) Logan

First of all, Hugh Jackman is one of the best actors around. Not only that, but he was born to play this role. Finally, in this rated R version of the character of Wolverine, Logan captured the true essence of the character. In other words, Logan delivered to us (via film) what comic book readers have known for decades now about one of the most popular comic book characters ever. To perfectly translate a comic book character to the big screen is no small feat. I’d say only less than a handful of comic book films have truly done that.

1) Get Out

Get Out is probably one of the very few films that can affect different people in different ways. No matter who you are, or where you’re from, you’ll get something unique given your own life and experiences. Not only that, but if you happen to discuss Get Out with someone else who’s seen it, you may be surprised with the other person’s take on it. It was just a masterful blend of a psychological thriller, comedy, satire and social commentary.

What did you think of our Best Movies of 2017 list? Did any of your favorites not make the list? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought.


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