
A few great Movie Themed Slot Games

Many people are already familiar with the top five movie themed slot games like the folks over at These are certainly some of the most popular games that have been released in almost any context. Licensing issues will often make it difficult for games like this to really last for a long period of time, even though they manage to generate a lot of revenue when they actually are available. However, there are plenty of great movie themed slot games that are still in use today or that still live on fondly in the memories and reviews of the online casino gaming fans.

top five movie themed slotThe Terminator slot series deserves to be on this list as well. A lot of people found that the action-oriented premise worked really well for the sake of an online casino slot game. Plenty of people were really excited about the possibility of seeing some of their favorite movies fully realized in the form of a game series. The game play mechanics for this series were good enough that a lot of people have felt that the games did the movies justice.

The Jurassic Park series has to be on this list. The developers put a lot of effort into making sure that they were able to replicate some of the joys that the movies themselves managed to bring people, and they seem to have done so with a great deal of success. The Jurassic Park game series has been tremendously lucrative for everyone involved. A lot of fans will list the Jurassic Park slot games as their favorites, and they will at least recognize these games as some of the best ones available now, including the versions that they’ve only heard about in the ‘behind-the-scenes’ videos.

The Nacho Libre video slot is more popular than a lot of people would expect, given that it’s also a slot game based on a comedy film. However, it manages to be different enough from many of the others that a lot of people will be impressed one way or another.

The Bridesmaids video slot game might be a strange addition to the list, but it is still a worthy one. A lot of people were surprised that a video slot game that was based on a comedy movie would be as successful as it was, but the Bridesmaids movie itself was more successful than it was, so this should not surprise anyone. A lot of people have loved this game, and it’s been something of a surprise hit in more ways than one.

Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters is one of the newest examples of a popular online casino slot game modeled after a movie, and this is something that should be thrilling for a lot of people.

  • Acting - /10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - /10
  • Plot/Screenplay - /10
  • Setting/Theme - /10
  • Watchability - /10
  • Rewatchability - /10
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