
What is the positive impact of movies on social behavior?

Young people love watching and discussing movies. The cinematography is an integral part of their life just like music or hobbies. Watching a movie can either improve your life, ruin it, or have a neutral or no effect. Most people tend to believe that a good film should always leave a strong impression. However, the problem is that this impression may have both positive and negative consequences.

According to numerous surveys and interviews, the most popular genres of movies today are:

  • Anime
  • Drama
  • Comedy
  • Horror
  • Fantasy
  • Action

Each of these genres can have both positive and negative impact on youth. But, there is no universal opinion whether watching movies has more pros or cons. While some studies show that violent films make people aggressive and dangerous, other surveys highlight the benefits of showing specific films to students.


In this post, we will talk about the possible impact of movies on society and young adolescents in particular based on the most popular genres.

Examples of how movies can be beneficial to watch

Violence reduction

The top-preferred genre of movies nowadays is drama. Youth loves films about some rumors, intrigues, violence, relationships, bullying, etc. Many characters become their role models, meaning that kids start to mimic their actions and behaviors. As most of the protagonists in teen movies possess all the necessary qualities required to be a good person, that is not a bad tendency.

Films help youngsters to see the difference between good and evil. Many movies can also help to make the right decisions and think independently.

But, a film should not necessarily cover positive topics to provide valuable life lessons. Movies about school bullying and suicide initially aim to show the adverse consequences of such behavior. Many students share that they become less aggressive and mean as watching such a film is their chance to see how they look, put themselves in the shoes of other people, and analyze the consequences of their actions. It is interesting, but movies about violence can really reduce discrimination, hate crimes, school bullying, etc.


The importance of education

Students who skip school or drop classes have an opportunity to see the results of such actions in many modern films about education. Most of the wretched or unemployed people in movies do not have a good educational background.

Youth tends to listen to what they say on TV more than their parents, relatives, or friends. Movie makers possess enough power to impact the minds of the young population. And, by watching films that stress the importance of education, teens start to realize the true value of learning.


Beaty stereotypes

Some experts may say that the negative impact of movies on youth is the way kids start perceiving relationships. In most cases, Hollywood hires only visually appealing people to portray their characters, and they rarely show the cast without make-up. Most of the actors and actresses who represent students in movies have near-to-perfect bodies and faces. That is why the boy-next-door is not cool enough to date him. Girls wish to date guys like Chris Hemsworth or Zac Efron instead of having more realistic expectations.

But, at the same time, movies motivate boys and girls to take care of their appearance. Seeing a young woman in good shape inspires girls to attend the gym and eat healthy food. Trying to look like your idol is not wrong unless that idol is a mass murderer or a thief.


Critical thinking

Even though it might sound obvious, movies help teachers evaluate and develop critical skills that students should have by assigning them to write movie reviews. Of course, you can always find someone to do your homework for you (e.g., here —, but we recommend practicing writing at least several movie reviews on your own. This activity trains the ability to summarize things and critically analyze issues.


Many films have valuable life lessons. Sci-fi movies, for instance, can even educate young watchers. It is easier to understand how different things work when you can visualize them, and through visualization, students memorize what they should learn better. That is why if you have difficulties with understanding some scientific topic, you can pick a movie that explains this issue implicitly or explicitly.



After observing several examples of how movies can be helpful, let’s create a list of benefits. Here are the positive impacts of films on social behavior:

  • Movies are an excellent source of entertainment. They add some spice to life and are perfect antidepressants: if you choose the right movie when having a bad mood, it can save your day!
  • Movies and media unite people. Experts proved that those who suffer from social anxiety and find it difficult to find a common language with others could overcome such obstacles through watching movies. A film is always a good occasion to meet new people and improve relationships with old friends.
  • Movies inspire us to act. Our favorite heroes teach us valuable life lessons. They give us ideas and motivation to change something for better instead of simply sitting and waiting for the things to go their way. Films about famous people are the best way to influence social behavior positively.
  • Movies are the source of knowledge. They can help to learn what’s in trend, find out more about ancient times, or fill a few gaps in knowledge.


Finally, watching a movie instead of reading a book saves plenty of time. Although it’s impossible to fit all the details from books, films usually contain 80-90% of the plot. That is more than enough for people with little to no time for reading.

Even though movies can be useful, people should not ignore the possible adverse effects of watching too many of them. There are always two sides of the coin – remember it!




  • Acting - /10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - /10
  • Plot/Screenplay - /10
  • Setting/Theme - /10
  • Watchability - /10
  • Rewatchability - /10
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