
How to write an essay?

A text that can engage your reader and allow you to convey a message you are passionate about is an essay. It is a genre that gives the reader great experiences, just as it is for you as a writer a rewarding genre to write in. The genre draws on the best of two worlds, the world of fiction and the world of academic literature. When these two worlds meet and the writer grasps the task correctly, it is that magic arises.

However, the essay is a genre that has difficult terms. It requires immersion, research and linguistic talent to write a good essay, and it is as if these things often fall short of a time when texts must be edible and easily digested. Many students write an essay for the written exam, after which no one touches the genre when the hat has come on. It’s a shame. But thanks to online essay services like they can breathe freely.

Whether we are readers or writers, there is good reason to cultivate the essay as a genre.

What is an essay?

How do you actually define an essay? This can be done like this:

An essay is a short text about a topic (political, artistic, scientific or general subject) written in a personal and straightforward style. The essay is a form of mixing, where the factual can be communicated with fiction tools. The word essay originally comes from French. You can translate it with trial, test or test. We can understand the word as a personal touch with a topic, and there is a personality and confidentiality in the essay that one does not see in other texts that are within the field of non-fiction. In a good essay, there are three main elements:

– Set aside – what is the starting point for the essay?
– Reflections and associations – the thinker essay author moves around in.
– The three plans – the essay’s mixture of facts and the concrete, it personally experienced and it reflected.

The three plans will often be characterized by each their linguistic style, the concrete and the reflected one typically typed in the present, while it personally experienced will often be written in the past.

The essay is very suitable for describing something personally experienced and the feelings about it experienced. From there, the writer can link it to a more general topic or a problem relevant to the reader. The passwords are commitment, personality and ease. A good essay should not only deal with the issues it is about, in a serious way, it must also be engaging to read:
Before writing an essay: Start reading!

Now that we have the definition in place, you might think you’re ready to write your essay? Wait a moment to start your computer and turn on Word! If you want to write an excellent essay, start by learning from the genre’s masters. Here we follow the bestselling author Stephen King’s golden advice to all writers:

Read a lot. Write a lot.

It’s a good idea to start your work with an essay looking at what others are doing. There are countless essays you can read, and by seeing how some of the writers who write the best essays grasp the task, you can learn a lot and get inspiration for your own essay. Remember, it’s just fine that you let yourself be inspired. Authors have always stolen with arms and legs, and you can do that too. However, you must never plagiarize. Copy-paste is a deadly sin!

You can consider what makes these essays so good. Is that the language? The composition? The topic? The sources used? Also consider whether the arguments are logical and easy to follow, how the facts are presented and how the personal is combined with the factual. The more you consider these questions and answer them before you start writing, the better your essay will be.


  • Acting - /10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - /10
  • Plot/Screenplay - /10
  • Setting/Theme - /10
  • Watchability - /10
  • Rewatchability - /10
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