
In What Hand Should You Wear Your Watch and What Is the Reason?

Although each person can decide for their own reasons to use the watch in the hand they prefer, the truth is that in general terms, it is always placed in the same place. Do you know in what hand the watch is put and what the reason is? However, in this article, I will be showing you the right hand on which the wristwatch should go and why it is like that. So, let’s get into work.

In What Hand Does the Clock Go?

When in doubt about which hand to put the watch, it is always possible to get carried away by comfort, thinking about whether it is more comfortable to place it in the dominant hand or the opposite hand.

Part of the story says that the clock should be placed in the dominant hand, but it is also true that this makes it difficult to manipulate in case it is delayed or needs adjustment. Another key factor is the band that is used as some bands can be damaged during use. You may need a replacement Samsung Gear S2 bands or Citizen watch bands and it may be good to keep a supply. It is also more advisable to place it in the hand contrary to the dominant because it is generally more protected and less exposed to shock.

In any case, the most usual thing is for the clock to be placed on the left hand, and the reason for this rule can be found by navigating the past.

Why the Watch Goes on The Left Wrist for Men Normally

Before the arrival of wristwatches, most men used pocket watches. These devices were placed in the pocket of the pants, but also in the vests. When the tailors realized this tendency, they began to incorporate a pocket on the left side of the vest, in order to facilitate the manipulation of the clock with the right hand.

From this custom, people derived the idea of wearing their watch on the left wrist. But, in addition to custom, logic made the first men wear wristwatches, the military, leave their useful hand in freedom so that their actions and movements were more precise. At present, there are wristwatches created specifically for left-handed and right-handed people, which improves its functionality beyond personal tastes.

As you see, tradition and practicality are mixed to define in which hand the watch is put. Now that you know what the reason is, you can decide the position of your watch with more awareness. What is certain is that, if you have a luxury watch like the Casio edifice watch, you will want it to always be in view so that everyone can praise and envy you.

 In What Hand Are the Women Wearing the Watch?

Watches are among one of the favorite accessories of women, and many have more than one. You may need one to do sport, another for when you dress informally and another for when you dress more elegantly; You may even need one to work.

Tradition also dictated where women wear wristwatches

Years ago, before there were digital and quartz watches, the watch had to be wound up every day. As the wheel to do so was to the right of the watch, it was worn on the left wrist so that the right hand could easily access the wheel without having to take off the watch. It was very rare to see someone with the watch on his right wrist.

Personal preference also matters here

The tradition has been maintained and today most women keep putting the watch on their left wrist. There is no pre-established norm that says that there is a clock in the left hand; rather, it is a matter of personal preference. If you prefer to have your watch on the left or right hand as a woman, it all depends on what you want. But be sure it is in good agreement with the other jewelry you have on you. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.


Most women are right-handed, and wearing the watch on their right wrist could be a hindrance to daily activities such as writing or cooking. If you are left-handed, you may find it more comfortable to wear the watch on your right wrist. And that further buttress the early points I have made; it is all a thing of personal preference.


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