
How long until we see CBD in movies?

Hollywood loves weed. This is no secret as there are a number of films either about cultivating or smoking the stuff. From Cheech and Chong to Harold and Kumar Hollywood has consistently made an effort to appeal to those who love their consumption of THC… but what about those who love CBD?

CBD is found in marijuana plants and doesn’t have the same effects of the active ingredient typically found in the stuff the kids smoke. The surprising thing is that CBD has hit mainstream in remarkable ways with CBD being found in all sorts of foods, drinks, and skincare ointments. CBD can be found in most stores, pharmacies, and smoke shops because it contains less than the legal limit of THC in its product. Livescience cites the following:

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a trending ingredient the natural products industry and is the focus of a new area of cannabis research. CBD is one of many cannabinoids, or molecules produced uniquely by the cannabis family. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the primary psychoactive element in marijuana), CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it doesn’t have a strong effect on cognitive brain activity and doesn’t cause the “high” associated with marijuana.

So… how long until we see CBD in one of our films? Will we see a Sex and the City revival film with the women pampered with CBD massages? How about someone casually enjoying a CBD infused muffin or brownie for breakfast? CBD is in the early stages of being used as a over-the-counter remedy for some of life’s every day problems including insomnia, headaches, and body pain.

Delish sells products offering the following tagline:

Imagine this—you’re beyond stressed and suffering from debilitating insomnia. Then, you make yourself some tea, or drizzle some honey on your food, or perhaps you even break open a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheeto-look alikes and dig in. Suddenly, you’re feeling more at ease. Welcome to the world of CBD-infused foods.

Cannabidiol (CBD)-infused products won’t get you high, but they are derived from either marijuana or hemp plants. You might take CBD to calm nerves and anxiety, reduce insomnia, and alleviate inflammation-related pain. One of the top food trends of this year doesn’t come without controversy, though. New York City was one of several places nationwide to crack down on the sale of CBD edibles recently—it’s now forbidden in restaurants, bars, and other establishments under the Department of Health.

I found out that there are entire sites dedicated to analyzing the stuff and recommending/prescribing specific oils for specific solutions. Ravereviews states that a premium cbd oil won’t get you high, has a good safety profile, and naturally treats dozens of conditions. So since it’s so safe and has already infiltrated mainstream society, how long until we see someone casually consuming CBD as say someone does smoking a cigarette or grabbing a beer? Who will be the first to break new ground in cinema?


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