
Top 7 Fun Films About Students Life

Student life is exciting. It comes with personal challenges, relationships, academics, dreams, and many other defining elements. These elements are difficult to capture in a movie such that only a few producers have managed to produce captivating films about the life of students. 

Every student has a unique idea about college life. The students also enjoy different movies based on personal preferences and generational differences. Still, there are outstanding films that shine spotlight on the life of students such that they are a classic inspiration to all students. Here is a look at seven excellent films about the lives of student and that every college student should watch upon finding a professional assistant to acemyhomework

Good Will Hunting

The movie was released in 1997 but still captures the imagination of college students today. It features the story of a Matt Damon, a highly gifted chemistry and mathematics students. While Matt thinks that the brilliance is only for academic purposes, he will discover that the world needs the knowledge and talent more than he thinks. The film is designed to inspire students to discover the potential of their talents and abilities. 


Lean On Me

Everyone at a point wishes he or she had a second chance. Lean on me, released in 1989, is a biographical film about a teacher who had the rare benefit of a second chance. The teacher is returning to a school from which he had been fired. The school is devoid of the rustle that it had before. He uses the second chance to make a huge difference, something that could have been impossible with the first opportunity. The movie is pure inspiration for those who feel like they have lost everything. 


The Paper Chase

A student is rarely in the mood to study. Other interests compete for the attention of such a student, to the point of throwing him or her off the learning grid. The story in The Paper Chase is about a hard working student called James. His first year is so challenging that he feels like giving up. It will inspire you to keep the motivation alive try your best in all exercises. 



The story is inspired by a book that was written by Ben Mezrich about MIT Blackjack Team. It is the typical story of competition for scholarships in some of the most prestigious colleges. The talented student has to beat all other students to demonstrate that he deserves the scholarship. It is interesting to watch how far this demonstration will go. Despite the efforts, he never won the scholarship. But is that the end?  Watch one of the most inspiring films for college students


Forest Gump

A lot is told about the IQ of individuals and their academic performance. But one young man in Forest Gump achieves incredible fetes with a very low IQ. The medals of honor, inspiring Elvis Presley, and making a fortune selling shrimps, are just some of the achievements. It is a movies that cements the notion that nothing is impossible and the society does not determine who you become. 


Theory of Everything

Stephen Hawking is a notable figure in academic circles. He is a famous cosmologist and physicist of all time. However, he achieves all this despite having a neuron-motor condition. The doctor has predicted that he will not live beyond 2 years. However, he defies all the odds and gifts the world all the physics inventions. It is a great inspiration to students with special needs to stretch their limits and gift the world more than what it thinks they are worth. 



42 is a sports drama about the life of Jackie Robinson, the first Black American to feature in Major League Baseball. It captures a piece of American history and will teach invaluable lessons about racism. It shows the there are no social or generational challenges that cannot be overcome. 

Inspirational movies for students will get your study mood high. They keep your focus on education and shine spotlight on the challenges that every student faces in college. Movies for college students provide an incredible way to relax. 

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