
Quarantine and Chill: Here Are Our Top 10 Netflix Picks

If you happen to be an Amazon Prime subscriber, here are a couple of things you should definitely add to your watch list while you’re on self-quarantine.

The Boys:


In this world, superheroes suck and abuse their power and a group of vigilantes are set out to stop them. This is by far one of the best things to play on Amazon Prime right now. There are only 8 episodes with each being about an hour in length. If you’re looking for a change of pace from all the Marvel and DC content, this will be the ticket. The Boys is dark, gritty and strangely an interesting blend of comedy and action. Karl Urban and the rest of the cast are fantastic and they definitely capture the essence of the characters portrayed from the comic book this show is based adapted from. I think what makes it so interesting is how it takes the simple concept of what if superheroes were real, and plays that out in a real world setting where politics, greed, and basic human psychology runs its course. Nothing is black and white in this show, and nothing is as it may appear to be. The ending of the season delivers a nice payoff, given the coming of season two releasing soon, now would be the perfect time to catch up on this gem of a show if you haven’t already.

A Quiet Place:

After a mysterious occurrence falls upon the world, a family is forced into living in silence while hiding from a monstrous threat that can hear anything. In case you missed out on this gem of a movie, do yourself a favor and go watch it. Directed by John Krasinski, and starring Emily Blunt, this movie felt more like an experience. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself trying not to make a sound while watching. The thrills and suspense are top notch, and such a joy to watch. The sequel to this film was supposed to be released March of 2020, but given the current pandemic, that has since been delayed. So it won’t hurt to give this a watch now and you’ll have everything nice and fresh in your mind when the sequel eventually comes out. I’ve got as spoiler free review you can check out for this movie as well. 


It’s the late 70s and Nazis have infiltrated the United States and walk among us. It’s up to a young Jewish man to get his revenge on them by joining a secret group of Nazi hunters before the Nazi master plan goes into effect. I must say that that Hunters was a pleasant surprise. Al Pacino is back on his A game in his role and the rest of the cast is solid as well. I think the coolest thing about Hunters is the overall presentation. It’s not conventional in its storytelling at all. There are moments of real suspense and action, and then you may break into a musical, or some other informative segment for comedic relief. When it’s all said and done, the twists, turns and surprises are well worth the watch for the first season. I also think that it’ll be very helpful to watch the bonus content for every episode found in the “x-Ray” content on Amazon Prime. It’ll give you some great insight on the episodes and themes they base they’re based on. As a word of caution, this series does deal with some incredibly serious subject matters. Even if they address some of it through satire and exaggerations, they still approach it with a level of sincerity and respect in my opinion. Either way, I still think this is definitely worth the watch.

That’s our list of shows and films to watch if you’re stuck in the house for an extended period of time. Obviously there are a ton of other shows and movies to watch but I just thought I’d share our personal favorites with you all for now. I also tried to leave out some of the more obvious selections like Stranger Things or other more widely known movies. What are you all planning on watching during this lockdown time? Were any of the films or shows mentioned in this list something you were planning on watching but never got around to? Were any of them completely new to you? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

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