Movie Reviews

The Best Ways to Have CBD While Watching Movies

No matter if you’re in a movie theater or the comfort of your own home, watching movies and getting in your CBD can be a wonderful pair – who knew, right?  Let’s break down the best ways to have CBD while watching your favorite films. 


Let’s begin with a favorite – the timeless CBD gummies. Don’t be fooled by the amazing taste, these gummies certainly do have CBD inside of them! Unlock the top and throw back some of these delicious gummies. You will feel the effects of these wonderful gummies and soon, you will wonder why you’ve been missing them in your life. Keep the bottle in your pocket, your car glove box, or purse for quick access to the wonderful gummies. 


Possibly new to CBD or on the more conservative side? We understand, getting to know CBD can be a wonderful experience because of the countless healing properties the natural compound has (without any high). A great dosage and easy to ingest CBD capsules will be perfect for you. These subtle yet powerful CBD pills by CBDfx are going to transform your movie night. These quite certainly look like an average gel pill, so if you are in public, no one will be able to tell the difference at all. 


Tincture is our last product on this list. The incredible formula that is enhanced with CBD will keep you enthralled at the possibility of your mind’s quiet state as well as the movie at hand. There are a few different flavors you can try, or you can take the pure approach and have the unflavored. The best part of tincture is that you can put a few drops under your tongue or you can administer the tincture by putting it in your drink and on top of your food. Top your fresh popcorn or hot dogs, or drop some in your theater soda. Whatever you choose, the flavor will be enhanced by the amazing feeling you get as you consume it. 

Why is CBD a good film pairing? 

This is a great question. The reason is movies allow us to get out of our minds and realities to, for a few hours, get away from our daily responsibilities and stresses. Films and movies have a lot in common – may be more than you’d expect. CBD mixes with our body’s chemistry to naturally help us relax and calm our nervous system. Did you know CBD helps with things such as depression, anxiety, and inflammation? That’s why people love taking it, you can get out of your mind’s thoughts for a moment and enjoy the moment. So CBD, coupled with film is a double whammy. 


Regardless of the movie’s genre, you can escape deeper with this magnificent pairing. There are so many ways to get lost in what you are seeing and watching through the many different ways to take your serving of CBD. If you aren’t sure what your serving size it, check the serving size listed on the packaging. If you feel the need, take more for an added boost. Another wonderful feature? There is also pet CBD. Now you and your furry friend can watch movies side by side, both relaxed and ready for the next scene. 

CBD is a healthy and natural way to get in other natural ingredients as well, depending on the brand you buy from. Many can be used as a supplement! All these methods listed above for trying CBD while watching a movie are all compact, discrete, and make zero noise – so wherever you are watching your movie, you can enjoy it in peace!

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  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - /10
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