
Alternative Activities For TV Lovers

There is nothing better than settling down in front of the television and getting stuck into a good series, but it is also important to have other pastimes, so that you have variety in your life and have a few ways to de-stress. There are many excellent pastimes that are well suited to those that enjoy a good television show, and enjoying these hobbies could even help you to get more from your television-watching experience. So, if you are looking for a few new activities then here are a few suggestions for hobbies that you might enjoy.



Creative Writing


If you enjoy watching TV and film, then you are clearly appreciative of good storytelling. Creative writing allows you to create your own stories and universes, which can be good fun – a chance to be creative – and many people find that it helps to improve their mental health. If you truly get into creative writing then you could start to look into practices such as scriptwriting to create your own TV series.





Similarly, those who like TV and film often enjoy acting as it provides the same form of escapism. Acting is also a good hobby to start as it is one which is highly active and social – which TV watching is not – so it is a good one to balance your TV hobby.





Photography is another chance to be creative, and you are sure to have a good appreciation for this art form if you are a fan of film and TV. Photography is also a hobby that can be relatively easy to start and everyone has a high-quality camera on their phone these days; plus, it is a hobby that can get you out of the house and exploring the world around you.




Online Betting


Of course, you do not have to have an activity that you have to leave the house for, and there are some that you can enjoy while sitting on the sofa watching television. Betting on virtual football is a good option as it does not require too much concentration, it is a thrilling activity (especially if you enjoy football) and you can easily do it on your phone and from anywhere that has an internet connection. It also requires no skill or previous knowledge, so it is quick and easy to start.


Board Games


You can’t beat sitting down and watching a good TV series, but sometimes you need to turn the television off as it can strain your eyes, and sitting on the sofa for long periods of time is not particularly healthy. A good alternative to enjoy in the home when you are not watching television is playing board games as these are social, fun and there are many excellent ones to choose from, both classic and modern.

Anyone who enjoys watching TV and film should also enjoy these activities, and it is healthy to have a few alternative hobbies. These suggestions might also help you to enjoy watching television even more.

  • Acting - /10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - /10
  • Plot/Screenplay - /10
  • Setting/Theme - /10
  • Watchability - /10
  • Rewatchability - /10
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