
5 Ways Your Brain Profits from Playing Solitaire

Trust it when somebody says Solitaire stretches your mental muscles. Playing it basically pumps your faculties. While you can’t automatically see the magic and waves of the positive impact it creates on your brain, its operation is doubtlessly vivacious. Anyway, let’s cut this introduction short and drive straight to the meat of the matter. In what ways does your intricately complex organ gain from Solitaire? Here they are!

1. It has a mind-calming effect

Ever found a game that makes you feel relaxed as the surge of adrenaline envelops your system? This may sound quite complicated but that’s exactly what Solitaire does! Your frame of mind changes in the span of your gaming process. One minute, you’re basking in tranquility. The next second, you’re up on an electrifying ride. All in all, focusing on a particular task will help you get away from all the other thoughts, and this will calm your mind.

2. Raises your strategic level

As the tension grows, your gameplay is expected to keep up. Everything matters, from the very first move to the last one. With classic Solitaire, you’re in the same kind of situation as you are when playing other mental games such as chess. You’re pulling out your best schemes to shoot successfully, and this boosts strategical skills many times.

3. Your decision-making is exercised

When you’re stuck between turning up the first card from the deck and revealing the others, your flexibility is tested. You’re exposed to various card moves but not all of them are beneficial at the moment. Hence, you’re teaching yourself to weigh all the possible pros and cons that may come out of one move. As you create your own strategy step by step, you’d be surprised how the conclusion of the game becomes an exceptionally gratifying experience. This makes you not only as a successful player but as a resourceful person in real life! 

4. Gives you a productive recreation

Allocating time to play Solitaire is just like taking yourself out. Yep, out from the busy workload or boredom. You’re letting yourself have some quality time. But it’s not like any other activity that steals away your productivity. The essence of the game, which is enjoyment, is still existent. However, the bonus part, which is brain development, is also present. You’re having fun while unknowingly expanding your intelligence. Amazing, right?

5. Your analytical abilities are magnified

Solitaire online game will surely make you a more attentive individual. You will have to be concentrated on 52 cards earnestly for some time with a certain goal and the necessity to think ahead to understand which move offers the best success rate. Through this, you’ll begin to look at the full picture even when solving real-world problems and improve your skills in analyzing situations.

Where can you play solitaire? 

So you know that solitaire has a positive effect on your brain, but what are good places to play? Fortunately, there are many options to play solitaire both on mobile apps and websites. Here’s what we recommend:

  • Mobilityware has both a web-based game and has one of the most popular solitaire apps
  • Solitaire Bliss offers a classic feel to klondike solitaire, but has customization options if you’d like to change the look and feel of the game.
  • Solitaired has over 500 games, but their Klondike or classic solitaire game has a game of the day where you can see how your score stacks up to thousands of other card game fans.


The next time you notice your brain is getting a little out of practice, hop on any types of free Solitaire. With the likes of Klondike, Spider, or FreeCell, you’ll get tons of chances to sharpen your mind up. Solitaire card games are so much more than idling away time. Later on, you’ll find how spectacular a mental tool it truly is.

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