
How to Choose a Major in College

If you are a high-school student, it is time to think about choosing a major in college. No one can deny the importance of the main discipline you are going to study because this is the field to which you are supposed to devote your whole life.

Today’s Situation

Do you know that more than 60% of graduates would like to change their major if they could go back in time? It means that more than half of graduates are not satisfied in the field to which they have devoted four years of their education. Meanwhile, around 70% of students feel that the major is not accomplishable to them, look for pay for college essay services, and finally change their major during studies, and not even once. 

Choosing a Major: Important Factors

As you can see, it is quite complicated to be among that 30% who are more or less satisfied with the choice they have made in college. That is why it is necessary to pay a lot of attention to this choice. Here is what you should take into account.

  • Your Talents and Hobbies

One may say that this is not the correct way to determine a major. However, how will a person feel in the future being forced to work in the position they hate? Therefore, it is better to make a list of preferred activities, talents, and favorite subjects. But it does not mean that you should choose only based on preferences. You should also take into consideration other aspects.

  • Predictions for the Future

It does not matter how promising and potential a particular niche is now. It is necessary to check predictions for the future? What is in trend now? In the year 2020, it is possible to certainly say that medical and IT specialists won’t be jobless in the nearest decades. Besides, the field of renewable resources and eco-friendly solutions is also prospective. If one of your hobbies coincides with these niches, it is a good starting point.

  • Overall Cost of the Program

The choice of a major is not only defining a niche you would like to work in. Not every family can afford to send their child to the most prestigious college or to choose the most expensive program. It is one of the reasons why you should focus on several options from the very beginning. Of course, if you have got unlimited possibilities, you may just choose the trendiest direction, opt for a college, and get ready for entrance.

  • Employment Rate & Salary in the Niche

However, if a niche you would like to work in the future promises a high probability to find a job after graduation, and salaries are quite high, even the lack of financial resources can be overcome. Check out the students’ loan programs. In a couple of words, you get your education financed at a low-interest rate while you will pay this debt back when you graduate and get your job. Some even manage to start paying their debt off during their studies.

  • Popular Majors

It sounds a surefire way to success: you choose a popular major, graduate, and get a well-paid position. However, in reality, the competition in this field is really fierce. Unfortunately, graduates with a degree in a popular field can be jobless or agree on low-paid positions.

To Sum up

When you choose your major, there are lots of aspects to take into account. Besides, it is worth finding a balance between your desires, potential of a specific field, as well as recommendations of your parents. In any case, there is still a possibility to change your mind even if you have already made a choice. After all, it is your future you are considering now. And it is up to you how wisely you are going to approach this decision.

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