
Why Watching Holiday Movies Are Good for Your Mental Health

It’s the season for Christmas and other holidays, and it should be a time of happiness. However, life can have other plans. For example, maybe you’re in lockdown, or perhaps you have other stresses for you to worry about. 

Sometimes, you don’t want to leave your home and you just want to bundle up and watch Christmas movies. There is nothing wrong with doing this. In fact, they can be good for the mind. Here’s why. 


They Are Usually Upbeat 


While there are some exceptions, holiday movies always have an upbeat feel to them. Even if there is conflict, they do invoke the holiday spirit, usually by having a positive message or characters you can relate to. When you are feeling down, turning on a holiday movie can make you happier. 


They Can Invoke Nostalgia


In 2020, we are longing for simpler times. That’s why turning on a holiday movie can be good for that. For some, it may involve childhood favorites like Home Alone. For others, it can be a movie that gives you a nostalgic feeling of the holidays as a child. While it’s possible to be too nostalgic, having a little dose of nostalgia here and there can be good for you.


The Movies Always Have Happy Endings 


Well, there are probably exceptions. However, most holiday classics we know of have good endings. The Scrooges become good. Santa manages to deliver his presents just in time. A poor person gets a surprising present. In a world where it feels like there’s no happy ending at times, watching a movie that has a happy ending can give you a sense of warmth. 


Many of Them Can Contain Just The Right Amount of Sugary Cheese 


Some people may be turned off by holiday films, especially Hallmark-style movies, for how syrupy they can be, or how cheesy the acting is. However, others may find that charming and it put a smile on their faces. If you are someone who finds these movies to be a guilty pleasure, don’t feel ashamed in watching these movies. 


It’s Just a Good Distraction 


Movies in general can be good for one’s mental health because they can be a great distraction. With everything going wrong in the world, you sometimes need something else to focus on. While there is such a thing as being too distracted, unwinding with a good movie on occasion can be the perfect distraction. 


With That Said, They Are No Substitute for Therapy 


If you have severe depression, anxiety, or other issues, a good movie can help, but you need to speak to a professional. A therapist can help you manage your mental health and help you prepare for the future. 

Online therapy is a good route to take, considering how difficult it is to do therapy in-person nowadays. Websites such as can connect you to a licensed therapist who can help you tackle the holiday season and beyond that.

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  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - /10
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