
6 Big Movies That Are Turning 20 In 2021

Looking back and doing roundups of movies that are getting a bit long in the tooth can be quite the jolting experience. It can make you feel super old, and you really start to wonder where the time went! However, it can also be a lot of fun to take a trip down memory lane and remember films from your younger years – when things weren’t so complicated and special effects weren’t as good as they are now.


Bridget Jones’s Diary


It feels like this queen of all RomComs has been around forever and yet is still so incredibly relevant. The truth is, this April, it’s been around for exactly two decades – as a movie that is. As a book, it’s been around a bit longer since it was originally published in 1996. Who can forget those classic “control underwear” moments and the hideous Christmas jumpers?




This animated classic completely reinvented the genre of family movies. It was a cartoon that had a storyline that adults and children loved, there were plenty of jokes for all ages, and it had an all-star cast voicing the now-beloved characters. It’s still a great film to watch, even if the visuals and the animation techniques have become quite dated in the last 20 years.




Christopher Nolan created one of the most iconic mystery movies ever in Memento. It’s studied in film classes all over the world as a superb example of how to tell a story and release information to the audience at just the right moment. It seems simple on the surface – a man is trying to find his wife’s killer. However, if you watch closely, the story goes in two directions at the same time. You delve deeper into the past as you move forward through the story thanks to the brilliant inclusion of the main character having serious short-term memory issues.


The Fast and the Furious


It’s the film that’s a exciting as playing at and that launched a thousand sequels, well nine sequels and a spin-off. The latest installment is set to hit screens this year, two decades after the very first film exploded onto our screens and into popular culture. It’s kind of crazy to think about how this initial movie was about illegal drag racing and few stolen DVD players. These days, the movies have tanks and nuclear submarines – the writers really have upped the ante.




That’s right, the movie that launched Blue Steel on the world is now twenty years old! Surprisingly, considering its reputation now, this movie did very poorly at the box office. The timing was not great as it was released only a fortnight after 9/11. However, when it was released on DVD and video (yes, that was still a thing back then), the movie soared to dizzying heights.


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone


Is it even possible to remember how young and small Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson were when it all started? And can you believe that these films have been with us for 20 years now? The special effects and a lot of the acting have got much better since this first installment, but it’s still got a special place in the hearts of fans around the world.

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