
Teyonah Parris WandaVision Interview: Captain Marvel Beef and Blue Marvel Love

Teyonah Parris continues her promising rise in Hollywood after being featured in films such as Chi-Raq and Dear White People. Her latest project is playing the role of the future superhero “Monica Rambeau”, in the Marvel Studios streaming show, WandaVision. We had a chance to speak with Teyonah about her role in WandaVision during a press roundtable event.

Teyonah Parris WandaVision Interview:

The Movie Blog: Monica has been going through a lot in this series. She’s lost her mom. She’s had conflicts with Hayward. She had her freewill mind wiped. She also seemed kind of triggered when Captain Marvel was mentioned too.  Can you talk about Monica’s emotional journey and what you can relate to the most?

Teyonah Parris: When they told me that Maria had actually passed, and that we were going to deal with that, I was like, “Oh, my gosh!”. Just seeing how they’re dealing with Wanda’s grief, from losing her, from losing Vision – the love of her life- and then having this parallel experience with Monica losing her mom…what is it like coming back from a blip? Who knows what that’s supposed to be like? So, it was fun trying to imagine what do I know? What don’t I know? Just trying to get those parameters in place to help shape how Monica would deal with this grief. That’s been really a treat to explore.

Teyonah Parris: [Also] Yes, it’s gotten a little spicy with Hayward. I think, what I really love about Monica is that she realizes what’s happening is not good. It’s not good for anyone involved. And at the same time, she’s able to have empathy for Wanda’s experience and her grief. And she’s seeing this other woman as a fully fledged human being who has lost, and is grieving and the trauma that that brings. [Monica’s] trying to connect with this woman while still trying to do her job. I mean, she has a job to do and, and that’s where she has to answer to Hayward. They’re seeing things a little differently, I could say, in how Monica is navigating, obviously, authority, as well as empathy.

Teyonah Parris: And then with Carol, when Captain Marvel is mentioned… you took it as a little saucy. But, there’s something there. I will agree with that. There is something there, but what I think you know, we’ll have to wait and see. I can’t tell you everything. (laughing)

The Movie Blog: What aspect of Monica’s character would you like to see brought to life on the screen? Maybe even a certain love interest?

Teyonah Parris: I’m down for the love interest. [Monica’s] just been able to do so much. [She’s] led the Avengers and  joined with The Next Wave and The Ultimates. So she’s had quite the career. I could call from anything. I love the relationship she has with her mom. In the comics, her dad was also around. It was a huge part of her life. Then you have her love interest with Blue Marvel. You know that was a thing. That was pretty spicy. You know that would be cute. What do you want to see?

The Movie Blog: I definitely want to see you and Blue Marvel together. I’ll put it out there and I want that to be Will Smith and you!

Teyonah Parris: Make that happen! We’re calling it forth!

WandaVision Trailer:

Director: Matt Shakman
Writer: Jac Schaeffer, Roy Thomas
Stars: Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Kat Dennings, Kathryn Hahn, Randall Park
WandaVision is available on Disney+ now. Be sure to follow E-Man’s Movie Reviews on Facebook, Subscribe on YouTube, or follow me on Twitter/IG @EmansReviews for even more movie news and reviews!

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