
Roles and Responsibilities of a Personnel Manager

A personnel manager is a person who is mainly responsible for administrative works like job analysis, recruitment, managing the salaries and wages, job evaluation, resolving any type of disputes, training administration, and labor law compliance, etc. There is not much of a difference between a personnel manager and a staff manager, since they share almost the same responsibilities. He encourages the employees for improving the quality of work and for higher positions. With their effective planning and strategizing, they tend to deliver the training and supervision for their new staff. 

To make the employees comfortable at work, they should provide flexibility in terms of communication and conduct team games like cricket or basketball on Sundays. 

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Here is a list of all the major roles and responsibilities of a Personnel manager 

  1. Role of a leader- The main goal of any existing organization is to maximize profit with the effective working of the employees. A personnel manager guides the employees as a leader and makes them understand the best possible ways that could be followed to attain the goals. 
  2. Role of a Counsellor– Apart from being a professional manager, he should always have a soft side for all his employees and should communicate regarding every issue. He should act as a counselor and be able to give solutions to the problems of the employees. Being a responsible personnel manager, he must know about the health, financial, social, and family life of all the employees working under his supervision. 
  3. Role of a Representative- The basic function of the personnel manager is to communicate the management policies of the organization and represent the company. He can be the best representative as he has the entire knowledge of the company’s related operations. 
  4. Role of a Decision-maker- A personnel manager plays a part in the decision-making process when it comes to taking the decision, in the issues specifically related to human resource management. 
  5. Role of an Advisor– The problems based on line management usually arises in the organization. In such cases, a personnel manager advises on the related matters. 
  6. Role of a Mediator- The personnel manager also acts as a mediator. He should ensure that harmony and peace are maintained in the organization. If there happens to be a conflict between a superior and a subordinate, group of employees, or even between the staff and the management, the personnel manager should resolve the matter with patience and politeness. 
  7. Role of a Researcher– A personnel manager has a lot of research work to do regarding labor turnover, absenteeism, alcoholism, etc. He has to keep a record of every employee of the organization and suggest appropriate measures to be taken for the betterment of the scenario. 


The personnel manager gives more significance in the areas related to the policies and procedures, rules and regulations, and the overall human resource management of the company. An appropriate personnel manager should sincerely perform the above-mentioned roles and responsibilities.

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