
Loki Trailer Reaction

So Marvel went ahead and dropped the trailer for Loki yesterday sending the internet into a tizzy. The trailer for the series looks interesting enough and teams our favorite villain with MCU newcomer Owen Wilson:

It’s interesting to see that this version of Loki is branded as a ‘Variant’ to further solidify that this is a new character. The version of Loki that’s running around in this trailer is a version from an alternate reality where Loki got his hands on the space stone at the end of the first Avengers movie.

I kinda like how Marvel handles alternate realities in that they’re just like our reality with just minor differences.

This is not the Loki that has a somewhat redemption arc with the passing of his Father, battling Hela or Thanos. This Loki may just still even be loyal to Thanos but that isn’t clear. What’s also interesting is to try to discern when this takes place. Does this take place right after the first Avengers movie? Are they operating outside of Time? None of this is clear.

I do like the idea of Owen Wilson operating in the MCU. He’s a funny enough character and the idea of him getting top billing alongside Tom Hiddleston sits well with me.

Did you see the Roxxon easter egg? I love how Marvel is slowly preparing us for their debut in the MCU.

Lastly, it looks like the TVA is trying to prevent an end of the world scenario. I expect there to be some “Ultimate Power” that some villain is using to take over the galaxy and Loki will try to take it for himself.  Things look pretty good!

What did you guys think of the Loki trailer? Did you catch any easter eggs that I missed?

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