
How to swap Safemoon to Solana?

Cryptocurrencies are extremely popular today because of their decentralized protocol and their security to the end-user. Moreover, they are excellent for earning high return on investment. Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin have surged in popularity, but there are many more out there that people don’t know about. Safemoon and Solana are two such digital currencies that seem to have a promising market in the coming days.

In this article, we will discuss what Safemoon and Solana are and how to get the best exchange rate when exchanging Safemoon to Solana via

What are Safemoon and Solana?


Safemoon is a cryptocurrency which was recently launched in March 2021 and gained immense and abrupt popularity over a very short period of time. John Karony, a USDOD analyst, is the CEO of Safemoon. 

Safemoon is a cryptocurrency that is based on a decentralized platform. It is useful for performing transactions and financial services and comes under the category of digital currency. It has been designed in a way to provide efficient and secure transactions between users of the network. Safemoon offers a small setup fee and charges a minimum transaction fee. It is a peer-to-peer network with no central authority and provides anonymity to the users.

As a new and seemingly promising cryptocurrency, Safemoon has privileged its place among the top digital currencies and enjoys a large number of fans who are eager to purchase the coin at any given chance. 


Solana is a cryptocurrency that has a specific purpose of becoming the “rails” of the web, so to speak. It is an application coin, and its focus is on building dApps and smart contracts. The name Solana is derived from the word “silk” due to the coin’s ability to provide a smooth, frictionless, and fast transaction. The ICO has not yet taken place, though they are currently pre-selling the coin at a 35% discount.

How to swap Safemoon to Solana?

Swapping from Safemoon to Solana is a big decision. But, it can make all the difference if you’re looking for a change. Switching from Safemoon to Solana will make your transition smoother and more seamless, but you must first select a cryptocurrency exchange platform that supports both of the cryptocurrencies and provides you with the best rates.

Crypto exchange platforms like Alligat0r are safe exchange platforms that will let you convert your currencies quickly and at the highest rate possible. You don’t even have to register to convert the coins.

Here are some easy steps to effortlessly exchange Safemoon to Solana.

  • Go to the top right corner of the site and select ” Crypto Pairs.”
  • Select the pair you want to exchange, as in this case; you want to convert Safemoon into Solana, so click on the “ Safemoon To SOL” option.
  • Enter the number of coins you’d want to swap.
  • Now you must choose whether you want to swap your safemoon for Solana at a fixed or floating rate. Choose the one that best fits your needs.
  • Now provide the receiving wallet address where you want your Solana to be sent after completing the transaction.
  • You can also check how many coins you’re going to receive once the transaction is completed.
  • Transfer SAFEMOON from your wallet to the deposit address given.
  • When you select the “Send” option, the platform will immediately swap the currency and credit it to your provided wallet address.

If you’re still having trouble converting Safemoon to Solana, go to for more information.


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