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The Flash Movie Villain LEAKED

FINALLY! The Flash Movie has revealed the villain for the film and this one comes by one of my favorite sources of spoilers: movie crew merch.

Crew merch is the merchandise worn by the film production crew when making a film. They tend to receive some pretty cool swag in the form of hats, shirts and jackets. The new info comes by way of a production crew T-shirt that features the silhouettes of several characters. We see Supergirl, Batman, and who appears to be the film’s villain the Reverse Flash.

The Reverse Flash isn’t a surprise if you’re familiar with the comic or the animated film for the Flashpoint story. The Flash movie is still in the post-production stages so we still have a while to go before we see any proper promotion for the movie but this one right here feels major.

The Reverse Flash is a villain from the future who travels back in time to battle the flash. The Reverse Flash is one of the Flash’s worst villains and is known traveling back in time and killing The Flash’s mother while Barry is still a child. Flashpoint tells the story of when Barry travels back in time and prevents his mother’s death as a child and how that single change in history affects the world as a whole.

I’m getting more excited for the Flash but what do you guys think of this revelation. Are you excited for the debut of the reverse flash?

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