Movie News Chat

Arkham Asylum show by The Batman’s Matt Reeves

We’re learning that another spin-off is coming from the mind of Matt Reeves based on The Batman. We know that a show based on the Gotham police department is in the works, along with a Penguin TV show. Today we’re getting news that there will also be a spinoff dedicated to Arkham Asylum.

“We’re doing this Penguin series and one of the great things about that is Colin Farrell — he’s like you’ve never seen him. He’s so incredible and he’s a scene-stealer. Along the way, we thought maybe we could do (his character) as a series. So I talked to HBO Max and showed them Colin in the movie and spoke to them about what this could be and they said, ‘Let’s do it.’ So we’re doing that and we’re doing another series that connects to Arkham (Asylum). We are talking and thinking about the next movie, but to be honest with you, at the moment, I really want the audience to connect with this. And I really believe they will because I think Rob is an incredible Batman.”

Arkham Asylum could be the same show as the Gotham PD show. Thanks to that scene in The Batman there’s going to be a lot more interest in the inner-workings of Arkham. The Asylum has a lot of history to the Wayne family and with Gotham as a whole.  It will be interesting to see Reeves expand his Batman into a whole universe.

What do you guys think about exploring more of Arkham before another Batman movie? Are you excited to revisit this version of Gotham?

That’s all I have for this one.

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