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John DiMaggio

John DiMaggio JOINS Hulu Futurama Revival

Good news Everyone! Futurama voice actor John DiMaggio has officially signed on to the Hulu revival of Futurama! #Bendergate is finally over! Variety is reporting that John DiMaggio shared the announcement:

“I’M BACK, BABY! So damn grateful for the love and support of fans and colleagues alike during this whole time (especially my wife, Kate), and I cannot wait to get back to work with my ‘Futurama’ family,” DiMaggio said in a statement. “#Bendergate is officially over, so put it on the back of a shelf behind Xmas decorations, or maybe in that kitchen drawer with all of the other crap you put in there like old unusable crazy glue, or maybe even put it in a jar you save farts in. Whatever floats your boat, I don’t care, you get the picture. I’M BACK, BABY! BITE MY SHINY METAL ASS!”

You guys remember when the revival was announced last month, right? Well fans were disappointed when DiMaggio wasn’t included to voice Bender Rodriguez. I’m glad that the entire cast has been reunited. Futurama is one of my favorite cartoons and I’m curious how they will pick up the story after all this time.

Anyway, with #Bendergate officially over that’s all I have for this one.

I’ll check you guys later, peace.

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