Features, Movie Reviews

“WINDFALL” (2022): Yeah it is. But whose?


A man breaks into a tech billionaire’s empty vacation home, but things go sideways when the arrogant mogul and his wife arrive for a last-minute getaway.  “Windfall” is modern dramatic thriller done with decided Hitchcockian homage running throughout.

John Smistad’s Review

Being held hostage doesn’t require it be done so at gunpoint, as we see in the new Netflix dramatic thriller “Windfall”.

A person can be living against their will in a consensual relationship, one into which they entered freely, also witnessed here with Lily Collins fine performance as it builds inexorability toward a jarring scene of savage clarity.

Little do they know…

And while the ever-versatile Jesse Plemons billionaire tech mogul character is a selfish slimeball, the take-no-prisoners diatribe he blasts at his sad sack kidnapper (a sturdy turn from Jason Segel) near the denouement of this thoughtful film, while purposefully harsh, for the most part rings fair and true.

However, there will undoubtedly be those among our American populous who are bound to take offense.

Get over it.

And then how ‘bout getting off your ass and joining the rest of us contributors?


We need ya.


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"Windfall" is modern dramatic thriller done with decided Hitchcockian homage running throughout.
  • Acting - 7.25/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 6.5/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 6.5/10
  • Setting/Theme - 6.5/10
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“WINDFALL” (2022): Yeah it is. But whose?

“Windfall” is modern dramatic thriller done with decided Hitchcockian homage running throughout.

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