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Michael Keaton Comments On ‘Batgirl’ Cancellation

theBatman star Michael Keaton weighs in on the cancellation of Batgirl. Warner Bros. Discovery shocked fans when it completely shelved the $90 million film, Batgirl. The film was done shooting and was in post-production when it was canceled. The news quickly spread and Batgirl became the number one talked about film in the world. Many fans are wondering why Warner Bros is choosing to cancel Batgirl with some reports saying the film is “Irredeemable.” Other reports say that it was simply a business decision and instead of releasing the film, Warner Bros. Discovery took the tax right off instead. Whatever the case may be, the cancellation of Batgirl is still a controversial topic and is still talked about over a month after the fact.

Batgirl’s very own Michael Keaton recently spoke to Variety on the topic of the movie’s cancellation. While he doesn’t say much, he seemingly sides with Warner Bros. Discovery but only half-heartedly. He assumes that it was a good business decision but he ends his statement with “I really don’t know.” It’s an interesting statement for a couple of reasons. For one, he doesn’t really say anything. Secondly, he doesn’t delve into the bad optics or the controversy of it all. It really seems like he’s toeing the company line. That’s not a bad thing of course, but it doesn’t really move the needle one way or the other. You can see the full statement below:

“I think it was a business decision. I’m going to assume it was a good one. I really don’t know.”

Wow, Keaton really didn’t say much at all. He could have at least weighed in on the optics of it all. Warner Bros. Discovery canceled a superhero film with a female lead and seemingly did so because they could. If it was a business decision, and we’re strictly talking monetarily, then fine. But we don’t really know. Reports are saying different things and fans are still befuddled by the whole thing. Maybe Keaton is right to toe the company line by not saying anything at all. I mean, why sacrifice your livelihood if you don’t have to. As a fan and someone whole really want to see Batgirl, I just wished he would have said something substantial. He could have stated his opinion whatever it is, and I would have been satisfied. To me, the comment seems like a cop-out and really accomplishes nothing.

Source: Variety

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