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What Secret DC Movie Is The Suicide Squad’s James Gunn Planning?

James Gunn went from getting fired from Marvel Studios for questionable tweets in the past, to walking in both the DC and Marvel superhero movie worlds. Exploding onto the scene with the MCU’s Guardians Of The Galaxy, Gunn then went over to soft reboot The Suicide Squad over at DC. He then spun a character from that into one of HBO Max’s most acclaimed TV series, Peacemaker. A new report confirms that there is a James Gunn secret DC movie in the works. Or maybe even two. Read on to find out what we know.

After Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol 2, James Gunn’s abrupt departure from Marvel Studios freed him up to do a similar project over at DC. Taking over another group of rag-tag anti-heroes, Gunn rebooted David Ayer’s Suicide Squad, with his own quirky vision. The movie was pretty successful and loved by fans. And the spin-off, Peacemaker, is one of the best things DC has done on HBO Max.
Not to mention how he even technically, reunited the Justice League in a hilarious gag in the Peacemaker Season 1 finale. Gunn is already at work on a Peacemaker season 2, while also in the middle of Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol 3, after his return to Marvel. There is also the yet untitled spin-off series, which could be focusing on Suicide Squad’s Amanda Waller, played by Viola Davis. But now, a new The Hollywood Reporter exclusive confirms there is also a secret DC movie from James Gunn being developed.

What Is James Gunn’s Secret DC Movie About?

James Gunn secret DC movie GOTG. .

Apparently, Gunn has pitched 1 or 2 secret movies, based on DC comics characters. The projects are reportedly pitched together with Peter Safran, producer of other DC movies like Shazam! and Aquaman, along with their sequels. While there’s not a lot else we know, it’s definitely exciting news!

Gunn is such a powerhouse in the superhero world right now, that he could work on any project he wants. The real question is, will Gunn decide to take on an obscure DC comics character or team like he did with the Guardians, Suicide Squad, or Peacemaker? Or will he choose to play with more established DC legacy characters? Either way, anything Gunn touches should turn into all kinds of gold!

Are you excited about a secret James Gunn DC movie? Share your theories of what characters Gunn could be pitching in the comments below.

Stay tuned to this space for more on this project as it develops.

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