Movie Reviews

Twisted Is All Types Of Weird

In Twisted, a young girl named Hannah deals with her overprotective mother while trying to seek her own independence. When her new friends keep coming up dead, she struggles with thoughts of whether she is the cause and her kooky mother suggests that she may be right. Twisted was all types of weird. A lot of times I didn’t know what was real and what was not. One thing I do know is that Hannah’s mother is all kinds of cray!


Karen Leigh Sharp did an excellent job as Hannah’s mother, Silvia. From her first moments on screen, she gave off creepy vibes and her mannerisms and overall attitude made her seem downright wicked. I was rooting for Hannah to get away from her. Actually, I thought the acting overall was pretty good. Madeleine Masson plays Hannah. She was believable as a daughter conflicted between being there for her mother and also determined to get away from her tight hold on her. I also really liked the cinematography. It was beautifully dark and haunting. The setting paired well with the overall tone of the story and enhanced the film for me.


Twisted was predictable. The killer was not a surprise and I figured it out pretty early on. All you can really do at a certain point was figure out who would die next and how. I would have liked to see more deaths but I guess what was shown served its purpose. There was a lot going on as well. I was able to follow along with the story but I can see how someone could get distracted by all that was going on.


This is more of a thriller than horror but it definitely had some moments that horrified me. Lots of cringe-worthy moments for sure. Twisted is available on demand and in select theatres.

Twisted Is All Types Of Weird
  • Acting - 7.5/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 7/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 6/10
  • Setting/Theme - 7/10
  • Watchability - 5/10
  • Rewatchability - 5/10
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