TV Reviews
The Last Of US Episode 01 Review Pedro Pascal Bella Ramsey

The Last of Us Review: Is It Worth The Watch?

Host Anthony Whyte’s Review of Episode 01 of The Last of Us. For those of you who missed it The Last Of Us is a new show on HBO starring Pedro Pascal and Elle Fanning. Now the show is an adaptation of the Sony PlayStation video game of the same name. Now in this story, we follow Joel played by Pascal, and Elle played by Bella Ramsey.

Now I played the PlayStation game The Last of Us and The DLC and I loved it. The game was made by the game studio Naughty Dog, the same studio responsible for the Uncharted video game series, and is a PlayStation game first and foremost.

Now I’m about to go into this show right now so this is your OFFICIAL spoiler warning. If you haven’t seen the show yet and you don’t want to be spoiled this is your chance to turn around. Go play the game or go watch the show first. Seriously, things happen fast in this show and if you haven’t played the game or seen the show yet then you may wanna go do that first and then come back.


The Correct Opinion is the OFFICIAL Podcast of The Movie Blog.

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