Movie News Chat

Variety vs Black Adam

Recently there was an article published by Variety detailing the Black Adam movie. Specifically, the article describes Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s attempt to influence the direction of the DCEU within Warner Bros Discovery. The article is getting a lot of attention based on all of the shared information. We learn exactly HOW Dwayne Johnson bet EVERYTHING on Black Adam and some of his demands for the premiere.

We also learn more DCU news! We learn that Warner Bros Discovery is open to the idea of keeping Ezra Miller cast as The Flash beyond the release of the new movie.

Hosts Anthony Whyte and Emmanuel “E-man” Noisette’s OFFICIAL reaction to the Variety article detailing the failed attempt of Dwayne The Rock Johnson to steer the direction of the DCEU. We discuss the Rock’s initial plans, the fallout, and all the other details in the article including new news on Ezra Miller. The Correct Opinion is the OFFICIAL Podcast of The Movie Blog.

#dcunews #blackadam2 #ezramillerflash

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