Movie Reviews
Evil Dead Rise

Evil Dead Rise

My favorite horror movie of all time is the original Evil Dead from 1981. This franchise doesn’t have as many sequels, prequels, or reboots as some other horror franchises but these movies are always a fun time. The original trilogy are cult classics. The reboot in 2013, as well as the Ash vs. Evil Dead series a few years later, were also huge hits. I loved them all! Evil Dead Rise is no different. Brutal, terrifying, and an overall sick and twisted ride.


If you’re looking for gore, you will not be disappointed. This movie has tons of it! Evil Dead Rise meets all of your bloody expectations. Writer/Director Lee Cronin did a great job of continuing this beloved franchise with a killer of a movie. The opening was great and it only went uphill from there. The flow of the movie was really good. It didn’t feel like it dragged at any point and I was always kept on my toes. The acting was superb. He introduced some new characters that were welcome additions to the Evil Dead universe. Alyssa Sutherland played Ellie, the single mother of three that gets possessed when her son finds the Necronomicon and the corresponding albums that play the ritual that summons the “Deadites”. She was absolutely horrifying. Sam Raimi (writer/director) and Bruce Campbell (star) of the original Evil Dead served as Executive Producers on this film.


I honestly cannot think of one thing I disliked about this movie. 


In true Evil Dead fashion, anyone can die. No one is safe. I think this formula makes for some of the best horror movies because you never know what to expect. I hope these movies keep getting made. If they continue to follow the Evil Dead recipe, this can be an ongoing franchise that we can all enjoy for years and years to come. Evil Dead Rise is in theatres now!

  • Acting - 9/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 9.5/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 9/10
  • Setting/Theme - 9/10
  • Watchability - 9/10
  • Rewatchability - 9/10
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