
7 Movies with Important Life Lessons to Learn

Watching movies is a hobby for many in the golden age of technology. Apart from the laughter, you can learn important life lessons, including the significance of certain virtues and how to make the best out of life. 

Along with books, movies serve as a form of inspiration. After watching something inspiring and motivating, people can change some aspects of their lives. A film about doctors may encourage someone to become a physician, meanwhile, a film about life struggles may prompt people not to give up and fight life battles with courage. In general, for every movie, there’s a person who can get inspired. 

To help you find something worthwhile to watch, here’s a look at seven movies with important life lessons.

1.   A Dog’s Purpose

Based on a comedic movie by Bruce Cameron, this movie looks at life from a dog’s perspective over several lifetimes. This cinematic masterpiece proves that all living beings, including our furry friends and other animals, are born with a purpose. The film shows that pets are some of the best companions that a person can have. A key takeaway from the movie is that our four-legged companions have feelings, too, and need to be treated with love.

It also shows that life is short, and we should all try to make an impact on those around us while we are still alive. Additionally, it portrays an important lesson that life may not always be fair. Unlike a conscious human who could probably find their old family, the dog must adapt to their new authority. Much as this is not his choice, he keeps a positive attitude.

2.   The Pursuit of Happyness

The film follows a storyline of a struggling single father who is under pressure to get a source of income to provide for his young son. A key takeaway from the movie is the need to protect your dreams from the mockery and misconception of others. It also shows the need to keep going even when you feel unappreciated. 

This inspirational masterpiece emphasizes the need to focus on our long-term goals. It also shows that there will always be regrets and uncertainties in life. Accepting this reality is, therefore, the key to helping us move forward.

3. The Roommate

This psychological thriller film is not a typical inspiring movie like all the others in this blog post, yet it has some valuable lessons that most people, especially the ones that share a room or a house with people they barely know, can learn. Sara Matthews, a freshman, starts her college life in Los Angeles. There she meets Rebecca, her dorm roommate that she instantly bonds with. Little did Sara know that Rebecca was obsessed with her and did everything she could to win Sara’s attention. 

The main takeaway from this thriller is that not everyone can be trusted. Even though looking for the good in people and being kind are valuable personality traits, some people don’t wish you the same. Or they do, but their intentions may not be as positive as they seem (as in the case of Rebecca and Sara). That is, to protect yourself from suspicious roommates or just new acquaintances, it’s important to undertake a series of actions:

  • Gather information about the person

Look through their social media accounts, google their full names, and run a search on Nuwber. These actions will help you make sure that the person doesn’t hide anything from you and is safe to live with.

  • Don’t tell information about yourself.

If you can’t choose a roommate yourself and a person you have never seen moves in with you, don’t tell them a lot about yourself, at least until you get to know them better. All the details you may disclose can be used against you. The details we are talking about are addresses, phone numbers, and your parents’ full names. Don’t get too personal and try to be as polite as possible without saying too much.

4.   Dumbo

The movie is about a young elephant born with uncommonly large ears, which earns him the cruel name: Dumbo. That notwithstanding, he discovers that the ears give him special capabilities, which he uses for good. The movie is filled with lessons for kids, but adults can also find many inspirational moments. Key among these is owning up to what sets you apart from the rest. 

The movie teaches courage, especially when many don’t believe in you. Dumbo shows that bullies are often wrong and mistake our greatest strengths as weaknesses. The film also illustrates that the quality of friends we have matters more than the quantity.

5.   The Green Mile

Based on Stephen King’s novel, the movie tells about a hulking but gentle man sent to a Southern jail who possesses mysterious healing powers. A key theme in the movie is his interaction with the jail’s lead guard, Paul. Through this interaction, we can understand the complexity of human existence. The gentle giant, John, proves that looks are often deceiving. Despite being grand and intimidating in stature, he is deeply empathetic. He uses his healing powers to cure Paul despite being wrongfully jailed. 

This movie also illustrates how we often inappropriately assign stereotypes to others based on social status, race, and looks. It also serves to remind us of the fragility of life and that death can either be brutal or peaceful. The film teaches its viewers that there is always hope for a better society, and it starts with one person’s actions.

6.   Forrest Gump

The movie follows a man called Forrest Gump through decades of his life and shows his experiences in the United States in the 20th century. Forrest Gump stands out for his slow wit, yet his humility sets him apart from others. A key lesson from the film is the need to embrace that we can’t know it all and should take daily steps to learn. It also emphasizes the significance of values such as love and loyalty to help us live a fulfilling life.

The movie teaches us that life is a surprise in itself. There are moments of absolute happiness and low moments, all of which we must embrace. The movie proves that the richness of life is in achieving our purpose. While we think of the purpose as some big success, Grump proves that simply finding love and starting a family can be a fulfilling experience, too.

7.   The Bucket List

The Bucket List is about two men from different backgrounds admitted to the same hospital room. They are forced to face themselves in old age and go on an adventure to do activities on their bucket lists before they die. An important life lesson in the movie is that death is inevitable, and we cannot fully prepare for it. Even in old age, death comes when least expected. It emphasizes the importance of having a bucket list and the need to continue adding to it.


Every movie has something to tell. The more we pay attention to people’s cinematic experiences, the more we realize that human experience is singular. There are always struggles, wars, doubts, inconveniences, and discomfort. Yet there is also lots of love, kindness, support, and fulfillment. 

There is always a lesson to learn, and the above-mentioned cinematic masterpieces can let you do this without experiencing those lessons yourself.

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