Movie Reviews
They Cloned Tyrone

They Cloned Tyrone – A Blaxploitation Delight with Stellar Chemistry

Juel Taylor’s directorial debut in They Cloned Tyrone is an incredibly fun film. The movie highlights a perspective of America that is often either ignored or misunderstood. This genre-blending movie pays homage to the iconic Blaxploitation films of the 1970s while infusing a fresh and contemporary twist. With an all-star cast led by John Boyega, Teyonah Parris, and Jamie Foxx, the chemistry between these three is electrifying. As the intriguing plot reveals itself, we get pulled deeper into a world where identity, responsibility, and deception collide, leading to an unforgettable experience.

The Good:

They Cloned TyroneIn ‘They Cloned Tyrone,’ the acting chemistry between John Boyega, Teyonah Parris, and Jamie Foxx is tastier than macaroni and candy yams at Thanksgiving dinner – and believe me, I’m hungry for more! One of the film’s undeniable highlights is the incredible acting chemistry between the stars of this movie. Boyega’s portrayal of Fontaine is a little mind-blowing. The actor immerses himself in this role, disappearing into an abyss of talent and reemerges as the hypnotic character. Jamie Foxx delivers a character that’s as funny and witty as any and gives us a hint of the kind of sketch comedy characters the actor was known for in the 90s with his character Slick Charles. Teyonah is sultry and witty making Yo-Yo not only hold her own but also a scene-stealing character.

Kudos to first-time director Juel Taylor, who impressively serves up a delicious blend of blaxploitation elements with a fresh and easy-to-digest presentation. Walking away from the film, I found myself craving for more of its flavorful goodness, wishing it didn’t end. The movie feels effortless and just seems very natural in its tone, structure, pacing, and delivery. I really can’t say enough good things about how well this movie came together.


They Cloned TyroneThe story flows smoother than a fresh set of jheri curls, and that’s a fact! What elevates the experience to another level is the seamless on-screen chemistry of our talented leads. It’s remarkable how well they mesh together, especially considering they didn’t even do rehearsals before filming. Their chemistry is a testament to their talent, making every scene crackle with energy and authenticity. This camaraderie adds an extra layer of enjoyment to this already delightful cinematic treat. As viewers, we get to witness the trio’s journey uncovering a government conspiracy. This whole story is just s one big rollercoaster ride you’re glad to be on.

The Bad:

While ‘They Cloned Tyrone’ nails many aspects, the film’s ending leaves a bit to be desired. The last act of the film, while ultimately satisfying, isn’t without issues. The idea of Isaac, Fontaine’s drug dealing gang rival, suddenly switching sides to lend a helping hand feels somewhat forced. Like, what is the motivation for his sudden change of heart? A more natural transition would have given the story a stronger impact, but it doesn’t ruin the film. There is a lot to enjoy for audiences who love to see an Avengers Endgame moment where the heroes all band together to take down the big bad of the movie.

Kiefer Sutherland’s character is both entertaining and perplexing. His mood swings between merciful and ruthless, all while desperately seeking power and attention. left me questioning his true intentions. It’s like he’s a rollercoaster of personality traits, which can be a bit disorienting for the audience. This erratic nature makes it challenging to fully grasp his motivations, and at times, it pulls me out of the experience. Regardless, Sutherland’s performance is still enjoyable, adding an interesting layer to the narrative.



‘They Cloned Tyrone’ stands as a delightful tribute to the blaxploitation genre while introducing a fresh perspective that leaves audiences eagerly anticipating what the future holds for this unique universe. Whether you’re a fan of blaxploitation films or simply seeking an entertaining and immersive cinematic experience, this film delivers on all fronts. Get ready to be swept away by the charisma of John Boyega, Teyonah Parris, and Jamie Foxx as they navigate a world of cloning and government conspiracies.

Despite the minor hiccups, ‘They Cloned Tyrone’ is a must-watch until the very end. Stick around to learn the meaning of the title and discover how the movie sets up potential sequels. Whether you’re a fan of the genre or just looking for an entertaining time at home, ‘They Cloned Tyrone’ delivers a fun experience that’s worth a full watch. Its innovative blend of blaxploitation charm, satirical humor, and outstanding chemistry among the leads is a recipe for success. The movie leaves you hungry for more adventures in this intriguing world, prompting you to stay until the credits roll to unveil the significance of the title and the potential for sequels.

They Cloned Tyrone - A Blaxploitation Delight with Stellar Chemistry
  • Acting - 9/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 8/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 9/10
  • Setting/Theme - 8/10
  • Watchability - 9/10
  • Rewatchability - 8/10
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