Movie Reviews

Piglady Review: A Missed Opportunity for Campy Goodness

Piglady, directed by Adam Fair, had the potential to be a gripping horror film that would keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Unfortunately, it falls far short of that mark. With an intriguing premise and a cast of talented actors, Piglady fails to deliver on its promise, leaving viewers with a sense of disappointment and frustration.

The Good:

The film’s premise is undeniably intriguing: a group of friends embarks on a Christmas vacation to a cabin in the remote woods of Southern Oregon, only to stumble upon a chilling rumor about an antisocial woman who supposedly murders people and feeds their remains to pigs. The setup has all the elements of a classic horror movie, with the isolation of the cabin, the mysterious legend, and the impending sense of dread. However, the execution of this premise leaves much to be desired.

The Bad:

Piglady (2023).

One of the most significant issues with Piglady is its pacing. The film takes an agonizingly long time to build tension and establish a sense of unease. The first half of the movie is filled with endless scenes of the friends engaging in banal conversations and mundane activities, which does little to further the plot or develop the characters. It’s only in the second half that the film begins to pick up, but by then, it’s too late to salvage the viewer’s interest.

The characters themselves are underdeveloped and lack depth. Alicia Karami as Brittany, the film’s supposed protagonist, fails to elicit much empathy or interest from the audience. Her character’s actions and decisions are often baffling and lack motivation, making it challenging to connect with her plight. The other friends, played by Karri Davis, Jeffery Hunter, and Alex C. Johnson, are equally one-dimensional, serving as little more than cannon fodder for the impending horror. There is a lack of character development and chemistry among the group, making it difficult to care about their fates.

Sandra Dee Tyron‘s portrayal of Piglady, the enigmatic and potentially terrifying antagonist, also falls short. Her character is shrouded in mystery for most of the film, and when her true nature is finally revealed, it lacks the impact and terror that one would expect from a horror movie. Tyron’s performance is underwhelming, and her character’s motivations and backstory remain frustratingly unexplored.

The cinematography in Piglady is serviceable but unremarkable. The film makes good use of its remote forest setting, creating a sense of isolation and foreboding. However, the cinematography fails to capitalize on the potential for atmospheric and suspenseful shots. The film’s visuals lack the artistry and creativity that could have elevated the overall experience.

One of the most disappointing aspects of Piglady is its handling of the central horror elements. The film relies heavily on jump scares, which become repetitive and predictable. The moments of tension and terror lack subtlety and are often accompanied by loud, jarring music that further diminishes their impact. The film’s attempts to build suspense through the legend of Piglady are ham-fisted, and the payoff is ultimately unsatisfying.

Piglady (2023).

The script of Piglady is another major flaw. The dialogue is often stilted and unrealistic, with characters delivering clunky exposition that feels forced. There are numerous instances of characters making irrational decisions that defy logic, and the plot is riddled with inconsistencies and plot holes. The film’s attempts at humor also fall flat, detracting from the overall tone of suspense and horror.

The film’s climax is chaotic and confusing, leaving many questions unanswered and failing to provide a satisfying resolution to the story. It feels rushed and hastily put together, as if the filmmakers were more interested in reaching the conclusion than in crafting a coherent and satisfying ending.


Piglady is a missed opportunity for campy horror goodness. Despite its intriguing premise and a cast of talented actors, the film is marred by pacing issues, underdeveloped characters, lackluster performances, uninspired cinematography, and a poorly executed script. It fails to deliver on the promise of a suspenseful and terrifying horror experience, leaving viewers disappointed and frustrated. While it may have its moments of tension, they are few and far between, and the film ultimately falls short of being a memorable addition to the horror genre. For those seeking a truly chilling and satisfying horror movie, Piglady is not the answer.

Piglady Review: A Missed Opportunity for Campy Goodness
  • Acting - 5/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 3/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 4/10
  • Setting/Theme - 3/10
  • Watchability - 3/10
  • Rewatchability - 2/10
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