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Kingsman 3: Everything we Know About Matthew Vaughn’s Sequel

Get ready for more of those thought-provoking spy adventures and world-saving missions with the third installment of Matthew Vaughn‘s Kingsman called The Blue Blood. In a special panel at the New York Comic Con, the writer/director revealed that he will be working on the much-anticipated new Kingsman movie in 2024.

Next year we’re rebooting Kick-Ass and we’re making Kingsman 3…

This spy universe revolves around Garry “Eggsy” Unwin (Taron Egerton)who becomes a part of the secret intelligence to save the world from atrocities, giving us action-packed humor and a subtle version of James Bond movies.

Why Do We Need a Third Movie?

Matthew VaughnThe simplest answer is because we adored the first two films! Both The Secret Service (2014) and The Golden Circle (2017) were perceived positively by the audience. Surprisingly, it didn’t conform to the hardcore spy thriller/action movies that are Vaughn’s specialty. The Secret Service was an out-of-the-box idea that came into being by accentuating powerful elements of spy cinema. That included a peek into the secret lives of social elites, armed assassins with unique gadgets, and of course some badass yet lovable characters (especially the villains!)

After the successful introduction of the first part, we got the second film which did not disappoint. What it did was raise our expectations for the next movie. The Golden Circle was full of mind-twisting plot turns and despite being a long-watch and the mixed reviews it received, the movie did well. The main attraction for most people, apart from a good first film, was its star-studded cast. Only thinking about Juliane Moore, Halle Berry, and Channing Tatum in one film draws us right towards it. Nonetheless, their coming together was anything but worthless as they gave us another fresh addition to this spy universe.

Sadly, the aforementioned expectations weren’t met by the third movie of this franchise called The King’s Man, a prequel to the first two films. One might wonder was there a need to make one? Especially if you were confused about its genre. Some people found the historical context of the origins of war and the establishment of the Kingsman organization enjoyable, which resulted in it getting mixed reviews. However, the film wasn’t for the fans who were expecting another spy movie that would embody similar attributes to the previous Kingsman films. That was one reason it didn’t perform well at the box office and kind of stained the Spy Verse.

We believe lessons were learned and now the producers are ready to give us what we wanted. It was revealed earlier that the upcoming film will give us deeper insights into Eggsy’s character, something fans waited for 6 years. Another fine reason to watch The Blue Blood would be to experience the last time Ergerton stays the main character. Even though the actor described that his role has a  ‘fitting ending”, watching him in another chapter of his breakthrough role would be interesting.

This Movie Has Vaughn’s Undivided Attention

Kingsman The Golden Circle [Credit: 20th Century Fox]As Matthew Vaughn disclosed his future filmmaking plans, one thing’s clear and that is his adherence to his IP with most of his new projects being sequels. Both Kickass and Kingsman are getting their sequels made in the upcoming years, which means Vaughn undoubtedly has a plan. While talking about his Hollywood experiences, he kind of hinted at what could potentially be a reason he is avoiding working for other films.

At the NYCC, the director said that he was about to be a part of the new X-man movie that was about to trick Halle Berry. When Vaughn found out the reality, he quit that job and walked away from the office. That may explain his reluctance to expand his professional boundaries. However, that doesn’t mean he is completely rigid to the idea. Two years ago, he talked about the possibility of him directing a Star Wars movie. He also expressed his views on making original movies in the NYCC saying: 

“Breaking new IP, not many people will be bothered but the studios are sort of learning now, that maybe you guys, the audience, do want original films.”

What To Expect

Other than Egerton’s last appearance for a while, we’re expecting Vaughn’s new movie would be extremely passionate due to the long gap he took to make it. Now when he’s finally ready to return to the series, we expect surprises, cameos, and a gripping plot. The Blue Blood is also expected to score a high box office collection because of all the lingering anticipation and the audience’s wish to experience more spy content rather than a poor prequel.

Let us know if you’re excited for this movie in the comments section below. 

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