Silent Night trailer featured.

Silent Night Trailer Reveals A Bloody And Brutal Christmas Revenge Movie

Director John Woo is a legend for his contribution to international action cinema. As the Silent Night trailer explicitly states, he is the greatest action director of all time. And his first American movie in 20 years comes in the trailer for this amazing Christmas-themed revenge movie that looks all kinds of gory and great!

Yet Another Christmas-themed Themed Action Movie

Silent Night trailer plan.

Silent Night is all about a happy family at Christmas time when a drive-by tragedy seemingly kills everyone but the dad. Played by Joel Kinnaman, after recovering from his near-fatal wounds, the Dad survives and goes on a killing spree to get revenge on those who killed his family. It’s basically John Wick at Christmas time. Surprisingly enough, the Silent Night trailer is yet another in a new string of Christmas-themed action movies. Last year, it was Violent Night, a home invasion spin on the typical action movie. And now it’s this Punisher-inspired bloody movie that happens during Christmas as well. But this one is different seeing how the action in the trailer alone is breathtaking and stunning.

Silent Night Trailer Is Absolutely Jaw Dropping!

Silent Night trailer Kinnaman.

The trailer sees some incredible action choreography that is insane. The few minutes-long trailer alone is enough to get audiences excited for this incredible new movie from one of the greatest action directors of all time. The blood, gore, and high-flying car chases alone get one pumped for this one. Not to mention the intense performance given by Kinnaman, who seemingly can’t speak for the entire movie. The Silent Night trailer looks amazing and gets me excited for a movie that was nowhere near my radar prior to this. The trailer comes exclusively from Entertainment Weekly.

Silent Night releases in theatres on December 1, 2023.

Are you excited about this movie after seeing the Silent Night trailer? Let me know in the comments below or on X (Twitter) at @theshahshahid.

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