Movie Reviews
Slotherhouse (2023).

Slotherhouse Review: A Stumble in the Comedy Horror Jungle

Slotherhouse, directed by Matthew Goodhue and penned by Bradley Fowler, slithers into the horror-comedy genre with its quirky premise, promising to blend frights and laughs. Unfortunately, this ambitious endeavor falls short, stumbling over its own sluggish pace and clichéd plotlines, resulting in a film that lacks the bite it needs to truly captivate the audience.

The Good Of This Slotherhouse Review: 

Slotherhouse (2023).

The story centers around Emily Young (Lisa Ambalavanar), a sorority hopeful who adopts a seemingly innocent pet sloth named Alpha to boost her popularity and secure her position as the head of Sigma Lambda Theta (SLTH) sorority. However, what starts as an endearing tale takes a dark turn when Alpha begins a murderous spree, picking off sorority sisters one by one. The remaining girls, including Brianna (Sydney Craven), Zenny (Bianca Beckles-Rose), and Madison (Olivia Rouyre), find themselves in a fight for survival against the unexpected killer sloth.

One of the film’s notable strengths lies in the cast’s performances. Lisa Ambalavanar as Emily delivers a convincing portrayal of a desperate young woman, torn between her ambition and the horrors unfolding around her. The chemistry among the cast members is palpable, adding some much-needed depth to the otherwise shallow characters. Sydney Craven as Brianna stands out with her natural comedic timing, injecting brief moments of genuine humor into an otherwise lackluster script.

Despite its shortcomings, Slotherhouse does manage to salvage a few moments with its self-awareness. The film occasionally pokes fun at its own absurdity, embracing the B-movie aesthetic with a hint of charm. There are fleeting instances of dark humor that elicit chuckles, and the film’s sheer audacity to tackle such an outlandish concept deserves a nod of acknowledgment.

The Bad Parts Within This Slotherhouse Review

Slotherhouse (2023).

However, the film’s downfall begins with its pacing. Slotherhouse suffers from an excruciatingly slow start, taking far too long to establish the characters and the sloth’s menace. The first act drags on without any substantial plot development, leaving the audience restless and disengaged. The humor attempts, mostly revolving around sloth-related puns, feel forced and fall flat, failing to evoke genuine laughter.

Additionally, the plotline follows a predictable and formulaic path, resembling a mishmash of other horror-comedy films. The narrative lacks originality, relying heavily on clichés and tropes commonly found in the genre. The film’s attempts at building tension and suspense are feeble, often resorting to jump scares that are more jarring than genuinely frightening.

Furthermore, the special effects in Slotherhouse leave much to be desired. The sloth’s killings, which could have been creatively gruesome, are executed with subpar CGI, diminishing the impact of the horror elements. The film’s budgetary constraints are evident in the lackluster creature design and overall visual effects, detracting from the intended fear factor.


Slotherhouse is a disappointing addition to the horror-comedy genre. While the cast displays commendable efforts, the film’s sluggish pacing, lack of originality, and subpar special effects weigh it down significantly. The potential for an amusingly absurd romp is squandered, leaving audiences with a lukewarm, forgettable experience. For those seeking a genuinely entertaining horror-comedy, there are far better options available that offer more bite and fewer yawns.

  • Acting - 6.5/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 6/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 5/10
  • Setting/Theme - 5/10
  • Watchability - 5/10
  • Rewatchability - 4/10
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