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Zack Snyder Rebel Moon

Rebel Moon Has 6 Movies Planned: Here’s What We Know

The space opera film Rebel Moon is allegedly going to have 6 movies. This is amazing news for the Realm fans, coming from the creator himself. Here’s everything we know so far.  With the Rebel Moon – Part Two: The Scargiver release, the writer and creator of this action-packed and mysterious space movie has left another sizable breadcrumb that people are gobbling up. Zach Snyder, in an interview with, spoke about the potential release of a third Rebel Moon film, a fourth, a fifth, and maybe a sixth too. 

Rebel Moon Backtrack

The birth of Rebel Moon was marked on 22nd December 2023, with the theatrical release of Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire on Netflix. What could be best defined as modern Star Wars on steroids, the movie is a futuristic space film, centering around the main character, Kora, played by Sofia Boutella. Kora makes it her life’s mission to save her humble colony from the wrenches of the tyrannical Motherworld

The first part went viral almost instantly, with a mix of negative reviews, critical acclaim, and the feature bagging the top spot on Netflix’s viewership charts, after the first week of release. Zach Snyder’s intergalactic feature was watched by over 34 million people on the popular streaming site. 

With this boost, Snyder then released a video game, a prequel comic, as well as an R-rated director’s cut version, that’s set for the silver screen in mid-2024. With the sequel’s almost release, the franchise is expanding exceptionally well. 

Zack Snyder Hopes for a Long Saga

The success of Rebel Moon may not be obvious. Despite it getting mixed reviews and low ratings of 21% on Rotten Tomatoes, the writer and director of the film is eager to expand. Snyder is thinking so far out that he envisions the franchise growing into a full-blown saga with at least six films. According to Snyder, the plot of the movie is too thick and expansive, to be told in a film or two. 

The movie  was something Snyder made with his heart… and a hefty budget of $166 million for both films, but he’s determined to bring the idea to screens if given the chance. Nothing is for certain as of now and there haven’t been any progressions, but it will be interesting to see the story unfold. 

What Lies Ahead in The Realm

The plot of Rebel Moon is insane, dramatic, and edgy. Rebel Moon – Part Two follows up with the quest of a warrior gang to fight the Motherworld to defend their land. All the while, more secrets, and even lethal dangers lurk within The Realm. Snyder and co-writer Kurt Johnstad already have the third and fourth installments of Rebel Moon in the pipeline. 

Zach Snyder is committed to pushing all of the boundaries to the limit, but is Netflix going to make it happen? We’ll have to wait and see. 

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