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Patty Jenkins Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman 3 Officially Kaput

Wonder Woman fans, gather ’round for some tea that’s hotter than Cheetah’s temper after Steve Trevor showed up alive. Remember Wonder Woman 3, the epic Amazonian adventure we werehearing about? Yeah, well, we’ve got some bad news because that flick is confirmed to be about as dead as Disco Stu.

According to Comicbookmovie, director Patty Jenkins spilled the Amazonian beans in a recent interview. Apparently, DC Studios decided Wonder Woman 3 wouldn’t vibe with their new direction for the DC Universe. So, they showed Jenkins the door faster than you can say “invisible jet.”

Gal Gadot Stuck in Superhero Limbo

This news leaves Gal Gadot, our favorite Amazonian princess, in a superhero holding pattern. Sure, she says she’s still down to play Diana Prince, but with James Gunn busy casting a new Superman and hunting for the next Batman, it’s looking unlikely she’ll stay on as Wonder Woman.

Themyscira Spinoff on the Horizon (Maybe)

Don’t despair completely, DC diehards! There’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon because a potential TV series set on Themyscira, birthplace of all bad-ass Amazon warriors. The catch? This show might take place way before Wonder Woman even showed up. So, basically, it’s like watching a coming-of-age story for your grandma.

Patty Back to Star Wars (Maybe)

Meanwhile, Patty Jenkins is bouncing around Hollywood like a boomerang. Remember that Star Wars flick, Rogue Squadron, she was supposed to direct? Yeah, that project’s also kinda up in the air. Looks like she’s back to working on the script, but who knows if it’ll ever see the light of day.

The bottom line, folks, is this: Wonder Woman 3 is officially toast. Gal Gadot’s future as the DCU’s Diana Prince is uncertain. And that Themyscira spinoff? Well, let’s just say it’s more rumor than reality at this point. So, yeah, hold off on booking that vacation to Paradise Island because it’s looking like a staycation for Wonder Woman.

(Source: Comicbookmovie)

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