Bollywood Reviews
Rautu Ka Raaz

RAUTU KA RAAZ: A ZEE5 Global Murder Mystery With Nawazuddin Siddiqui

Murder-mystery is a great genre of movies that is a big deal at the moment. From Knives Out to A Haunting In Venice, even Bollywood is dipping into the genre with Murder Mubarak. But where that star-studded misstep failed, Rautu Ka Raaz succeeds. The Nawazuddin Siddiqui-led film has charming characters, surprising humour and some interesting plot points that make the movie an enjoyable watch. Read on for my Rautu Ka Raaz review. 


Please note the following Rautu Ka Raaz review will be completely spoiler-free. 

Ratu Ka Raaz The Movie Blog 01A seemingly innocent death that turns out to be caused under suspicious circumstances, disturbs a complacent and comfortable small-town police department. On the case is Inspector Negi (Siddiqui) a sharp but albeit weird guy, as we are constantly told by these two older gentlemen lounging and gossiping about the town. What follows is a genuinely interesting murder mystery, where the mystery is told well, and we can totally engage with the events. 

Negi ends up having to be an actual detective, in a town where no one really seems that interested to solve the mystery. Some, like Negi’s own subordinates, don’t see the big deal and why they can’t just close the case as a natural death. Not out of any malice or corruption, but out of a sort of homegrown apathy, bred in a folksy community. While others, absolutely have vested interests, possibly nefarious, in ensuring Negi never solves the case. 

The Chemistry Between Character Is The Surprise

What surprised me the most about Rautu Ka Raaz, is how lighthearted and funny the movie is, despite its grim story. And most of that comes from the characters of Negi and his trusty sidekick, Naresh Dimri (Rajesh Kumar). The two share an easy rapport, both officially and in a personal capacity. Their shorthand makes for some of the more light-hearted moments in the movie. Siddiqui and Kumar play off of each other in a comedic way that’s not overt or trying to be funny. It’s a natural ease and perfectly in keeping with the tone of the movie overall. 

Even Siddiqui himself is just his usual charming and impressive self. The talented actor brings his trademark style of delivery to the role. Negi is Siddiqui, and vice versa, as he plows his way through important people in high places, serving his brand of justice in this sleepy town. Seeing his performance in Rautu Ka Raaz, I’m left wondering if the physical nuances of Siddiqui’s performances are built into the script for his characters, or if it’s just something the actor brings in himself. Either way, he’s always a pleasure to watch, and Rautu Ka Raaz is no different. 

Rautu Ka Raaz Review Doesn’t Stick The Landing

Ratu Ka Raaz The Movie Blog 01

Ultimately, despite being an enjoyable movie that moves at a brisk pace, the movie’s ending doesn’t live up to the rest of the goodwill achieved through the performances. The final reveal of the mystery feels like a letdown. Since this Rautu Ka Raaz review is spoiler-free, I’ll keep it brief. There are a lot of plot threads surrounding the murder, and like a typical murder mystery, they are all supposed to lead somewhere. Instead, the movie’s ending kind of feels like an ad-hoc explanation, rather than something organic that the audience could follow from beginning to end, paying off those threads established before. 

While the writing is crisp and clear when it comes to the dynamics between characters, it declines in quality in the third act. However, Siddiqui’s charm and the small-town characters really make the movie an enjoyable watch despite the shortcomings in the story. 

Rautu Ka Raaz is now streaming on ZEE5 Global. 

Let me know what you think about this new Bollywood movie. Either in the comments below or on X (Twitter) at @theshahshahid.

RAUTU KA RAAZ: A ZEE5 Global Murder Mystery With Nawazuddin Siddiqui
  • Acting - 7.5/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 7/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 6.5/10
  • Setting/Theme - 7.5/10
  • Watchability - 7/10
  • Rewatchability - 5.5/10
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