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Blade Runner 2099 Matthew Needham

Blade Runner 2099: Adds Matthew Needham

“Blade Runner,” that trippy movie about replicants and noodle stands has an update. Get ready for a whole new chapter, because a TV series set in the same messed-up universe is coming to Amazon Prime Video. They’re calling it “Blade Runner 2099,” and it’s about to blow your mind. We already know that Michelle Yeoh (who’s basically a boss in every movie she’s in) and Hunter Schafer (Rue from “Euphoria“) are gonna be the stars of the show. But they just added a whole bunch of other actors to the mix.

We’re talking Dimitri Abold (dude was in the Hunger Games prequel!), Lewis Gribben (you might have seen him in “Somewhere Boy“), and a bunch of other talented folks. Some of them are series regulars, meaning they’ll be there every episode, while others will pop in for guest appearances. It’s gonna be a star-studded future, that’s for sure.

Top Secret Plot

Nobody’s spilling the beans on the exact plot yet. All we know is that it takes place after the events of the original “Blade Runner” and its sequel, “Blade Runner 2049.” So, expect even more replicants, even more rain-soaked streets, and probably even more existential questions about what it means to be human (or a replicant, for that matter).

Filming for “Blade Runner 2099” is already underway in Prague, Czech Republic. Yeah, not exactly the future cityscape we might have imagined, but hey, gotta start somewhere, right? Plus, they’re planning to shoot in Barcelona too, so maybe we’ll get some sunny beach scenes to balance out all the neon and rain.

A Who’s Who of Sci-Fi Bigwigs Behind the Scenes

This ain’t some low-budget knock-off. Ridley Scott, the OG “Blade Runner” director, is one of the executive producers. Basically, he’s making sure things stay true to the original vision. Plus, a bunch of other big names are involved, so you know the production value is gonna be wild.

Oh yeah, there’s one more cast member we gotta mention: Matthew Needham. You might recognize him from “House of the Dragon.” He’s got a recurring guest star role, so keep an eye out for him.

When Can We Stream This Sci-Fi Goodness?

No official release date yet, but trust us, we’re keeping our eyes peeled. In the meantime, you can rewatch the original “Blade Runner” and “Blade Runner 2049” to get yourself pumped. Just remember, in 2099, noodles might still be the best food option. Just sayin’.

Let us know in the comments below: What are you most excited to see in “Blade Runner 2099”? And what do you think the future holds for replicants (and the rest of us)?

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