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Josh Brolin Green Lantern

HBO’s “Lanterns” – Can Green Lantern Finally Get It Right?

You know what they say: third time’s the charm! Josh Brolin passes on Green Lantern. After the infamous 2011 Green Lantern movie disaster (I mean, even Ryan Reynolds wants to forget it), HBO’s new Lanterns series aims to finally do Hal Jordan, John Stewart, and the Green Lantern Corps some justice. And this time, they’re trying to mix that superhero action with the gritty crime vibes of True Detective. Can we get a round of applause for that? But the real question is, will it work?

Josh Brolin Bounces – What Could Have Been

Let’s get the biggest news out of the way—Josh Brolin won’t be suiting up as Hal Jordan. Yeah, the internet was buzzing when it was rumored that Brolin might put on that shiny ring, but the Avengers star decided to pass. Can’t blame the guy though—after killing it as Thanos and Cable, maybe he’s done with saving or destroying the world for a minute.

Lanterns had its eyes set on Brolin to play an older, seasoned Hal Jordan, reluctantly mentoring a younger John Stewart. The idea of having Brolin mentor the next generation of Lanterns would’ve been a home run for DC fans. His gruff, no-nonsense style would have matched that gritty True Detective vibe they’re going for in the series.

But now that Brolin has turned down the offer, the producers are back to square one. Rumors had swirled about other A-listers stepping into Jordan’s shoes, but one thing’s for sure: Matthew McConaughey won’t be picking up the ring either. Sorry!

The Gritty, Noir Vibe of Lanterns

Now let’s talk about the series itself. Lanterns is shaping up to be a darker, more grounded take on the Green Lantern saga. Imagine Hal Jordan and John Stewart in a buddy-cop, detective noir with intergalactic stakes. According to insiders, it’ll be like True Detective meets the DC Universe, which is definitely a new angle for a superhero series.

Instead of flying through space battling CGI aliens (though we’ll probably still get some of that), the show will focus on a murder investigation that could have massive implications for the universe. Hal Jordan, the jaded veteran, will mentor John Stewart, a fresh-faced young Lantern, and their relationship will be the heart of the series. The contrast between the two characters should provide plenty of sparks, especially if they nail that gritty, dramatic tone.

With Ozark’s Chris Mundy as the showrunner and the creative genius of Damon Lindelof (Lost, Watchmen) behind the scenes, expectations are sky-high for Lanterns. These are writers who know how to create tension, depth, and character-driven stories. If they bring that same magic to the Green Lantern Corps, we might finally have the Green Lantern adaptation we deserve.

Casting Choices – What’s Next?

Now that Josh Brolin passes, it’s back to the drawing board for casting Hal Jordan. Will DC go for another big name or take a chance on a rising star? It’s clear they’re looking for someone with gravitas—someone who can make us forget the Green Lantern of 2011. No easy task, but it’s exciting to see who they’ll tap next.

On the flip side, casting John Stewart is equally important. John is one of DC’s most beloved Black superheroes, and his inclusion in the show is a big deal. Fans have been waiting to see him in live-action for years, and they deserve a portrayal that does him justice. The right actor could help launch John into the pop culture stratosphere, right alongside heroes like Black Panther and Luke Cage.

If HBO can pull this off, Lanterns could be the show that finally makes Green Lantern cool again. And after what happened in 2011, that’s a ring worth chasing.

(Source: THR)

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