The Things Movie Web Geeks Don’t Want You to Know

When I first started writing for media outlets four years ago, I never knew how powerful the opinions of movie fans really were. I was astonished to find out that studios fly writers out for free to interview celebrities on set visits. I was even more amazed about the ‘Open Bar’ film industry events, but the biggest thing that surprised me was that web geeks have fans. When I opened my first fan mail 4 years ago, I knew that putting my writing online was going to be fun, challenging, and a great opportunity to build my resume. It was also something I wanted to excel at.

After writing for a few years, I soon discovered the tricks of the trade. Readers of popular media outlets get to see the positive things writers get to do. We make friends, we get to travel, and we love to entertain you in the best way we know possible. However, we are human and none of us are perfect….especially movie web geeks. We all mostly share the same flaws and weird quirks that we don’t like to admit, and you will usually find us making excuses for them if they’re pointed out to us. So here are some things that you might like to know about us that we would all like to take to the grave. :P


Many people seem to think that online film journalists are very professional and never lose their cool when interviewing someone known in the entertainment industry, but most times we put our game faces on for interviews. A lot of us that write are merely just humble movie geeks that have been given the chance to write for a movie website.  Chances are during an interview, the main thought in web geeks heads is wondering if and how they can nonchalantly ask for a picture with the actor/actress afterwards.  Actually, from personal experience I have noticed that web writers don’t usually get nervous over the A-list actors. It’s the cult/B-list actors that really get to us. Honestly, I have met a few well known actors, but when I met Greg Nicotero at a convention, I got so flustered and red in the face.

Yes, we do like seeing our names on popular search engines. However, there are 3 things we all dream of seeing our names on: Movie Posters, t.v. spots, and DVD covers. We will do anything just to get a blurb that will eventually manipulate people into seeing the movie. We might over embellish reviews for the hope that it will be looked at. (We all know there are writers out there that will even flat out lie about horrible movies just to get a good blurb.) We also know the right phrases that will make for a good blurb. We know that movies like being compared to other popular movies. (For example if you see in a review, “It’s (FILL IN THE BLANK movie) meets (FILL IN THE BLANK movie)!” it’s a pre meditated blurb.) Yup, we may deny it, but we have all done this one time or another. ;)


A lot of us sometimes forget that we are a dime a dozen in this business, and this is evident when you see how territorial some of us can get. See, most of us are just merely hardcore movie fans with an amazing mental capacity to store endless amounts of trivial movie knowledge who like to think we are “film elitists.” This usually comes out when writers from different sites come together for events or festivals. Of course, we usually spend most of the time sharing our views on the latest movie news. However, get a bunch of movie web nerds together long enough, and the conversation is bound to turn into a battle of the wits. (Or “Who’s the biggest virgin?” is what I like to call it.) The once friendly chatter turns into a vicious debate over obscure movies and at some point, someone always ends up mocking a fellow writer for not idolizing a little known cult actor who really is just a glamorized extra in horror films. Since I am a woman, I am usually challenged on my film knowledge every screening or event I go to.


As much as some of you are addicted to writing comments, we are even more addicted to reading them.  After certain articles/editorials, we will use RSS feeds and constantly refresh the webpage, just to see if there is anything new. Honestly, I have been in the middle of dates or make out sessions and constantly thinking about what people are writing on the site. It doesn’t matter if the feedback is good or bad, we just want to see the number of comments go up!! It is an obsessive compulsive habit majority of us have.


When you write for popular media outlets, you make friends with other writers from different websites when you cover the same events, festivals and set visits. Usually you only get to see these people when you are working, so it’s really fun when you do see them.  However, no one likes to admit this, but when we are covering the same events, we are EXTREMELY competitive with one another.  It becomes more of a race than a job really.  It’s all about who can get more photo ops, interviews, exclusives, and better coverage! We may have fun at the after parties and love catching up with one another, but believe me, as soon as we’re not around other writers, we will race to our hotels to upload videos and pictures, and write our articles in the hopes that our pieces are the FIRST thing you see in the Google search engine (a.k.a. all websites’ best friend) for whatever event we are covering.  


Believe it or not, your opinions really do matter to us. (Yup, we are all like Mark Wahlberg from ‘The Big Hit’) Your emails or comments can either make or break our day. Sure, some of us start controversy in our articles, but we do want to be liked. (Even if we go out of way to make that nearly impossible. :P) For every ten people who read our articles, we know that there is always going to be at least one person who doesn’t like or down right HATES what we have to say. Sometimes the negative emails or comments are so completely irrational and over the top, it’s hard to be offended by them. (Actually for those ones we print out for our friends to laugh at)

However, even though we have built a thick skin, there are some negative remarks that do get under it.  Sometimes they will put us in a sour mood all day. ( After all,no one likes being called a douche for liking a certain movie!) However, the positive feedback is what drives us to keep writing. It puts a smile on our faces to know that we put a smile on yours. (As corny as that sounds!)

So, there are a few more secrets that I’m leaving out. (I can’t let you know everything, because I will be banned from writing on any website ever again!) Please know that even though we all have negative or embarrassing qualities, we do our best to entertain and inform you guys the best way we know how, and that’s what truly counts! :)  Our jobs may not be as glamorous as they may seem, however I love my job and my fellow web writer friends, and I wouldn’t want to change a single thing about us. :) (Well…maybe a couple of things! :P)

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