Spider-Man 3 could be the Last

Apparently Sam Raimi recently told reporters that Columbia Pictures may direct Raimi to make Spider-Man 3 the final chapter in the series. This absolutely SHOCKS me for a couple of reasons. First of all, the fans WANT more Spider-Man. This isn’t a series that has run it’s course and lost audience interest. Spider-Man is as hot as it’s ever been and to stop it after #3 would be a disservice to the fans. Secondly, the Spider-Man series is making a mind boggling amount of money. Why on earth would any studio want to turn off the taps of a sink that’s pouring out free money???

In the interview, Raimi also suggested that my assumption that Harry Osborn was going to be the villain in the next film may be wrong. Raimi suggested that he may break with the comic books and have it turn out that Harry does NOT become the Hobgoblin.

“And so he thought that Spider-Man killed this good man and was shocked to learn that his own best friend had betrayed him, never revealing that he was Spider-Man. So you think that would be the case, but when he comes upon the lair of his father and realizes that his father was actually this mass murderer, the whole truth is revealed to him and he may come to the conclusion, he may come to the realization that his father was an evil man and finally had to be destroyed. I’m not sure what’s in Harry’s mind. I’m trying to figure that out right now. It’s like if you blamed someone for the death of your father all these years and someone who was supposedly this hero, vigilante, and then you realized that your father was a mass murderer, it might change things.”

This actually makes sense to me. Back to the original topic, I think this would just be one of the most ridiculous decisions I’ve heard of a studio making in a long time if they actually shut the door on Spider-Man when it’s still going so strong. At least wait to see how a Spider-Man 3 works out before closing the door so prematurely. What are your thoughts?

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